Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Retrived Us Visa Appointment

MTC-The Swedish Meatballs: And the winner is .....

Polpette The Italo-di svedese Terry di Peperoni & Potato : the Motivazioni, come semper, toccano ad Alessandro , che dovrebbe pubblicar ein contemporanea con noi. A noi, al solito, le ultime chiacchiere

Ci piacerebbe iniziare come la volta scorsa, dicendo che è stato l'emmetichallenge dei record, se solo potessimo farlo: in realtà, stanno ancora arrivando ricette, per colpa di un febbraio che ancora non si è adeguato ai ritmi della sfida dell'anno. Per ora, siamo a 63 partecipanti, con alcuni fuori concorso e gli ultimi conteggi parlavano di 65 ricette, se non fosse che ne sono arrivate altre e, buon peso, anche una di involtini di verza: il solito casino, insomma, ma va bene così, anzi: grazie per rendercelo così incasinato, sgarruppato, divertente- ed ogni volta con ricette sempre best.
It 'was hard at this, also because the lead group was large until the end and the hard work we did in the sfoltirlo only we know: and Alex only knows what the final climb was tough, because, as happens every time we left him alone in the middle of a selection of finalists thicker than usual. Thanks
start right from the winner of the last challenge, which was a very valuable asset, from the outset: he followed the game with a commendable attention, without even the double effort that saw him sworn in the context of Eli / Fla: we heard only today, in addition to reading the post Flavia, and we have not really words to express our gratitude. Special thanks also to his family, mother-in-law that he revealed his secret recipe for the meatballs, until that wonderful Amadeo who helped prepare them.
Finally, as always, the usual thanks to all of you, who participates, who refers to those who "time step", for those who cheer, to those who follow and those who quietly discloses for the web: it seems a miracle, continue playing for almost a year, more and more and better and this is all about the spirit with which you share the challenges of every month: we say it every time, but each time with greater awareness and appreciation
And now, enough with the all talk and to celebrate Terry and its balls! A
Saturday, March 5, with the recipe for a new challenge!
Ale, Dani & Giorgia


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