Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Converting Usa Boat To Australia

Biscuits Sesame Starbooks-Martha's Corner

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et pour la version f rançais

read that right: Starbooks. That is, the Library of the Stars of Menuturistico. That is, the bigger the project, what terrifies us the one hand, and that brings us to the other but, just between us, was the source of an enthusiasm that we had a little 'lost.
There we were said earlier this year: there were a bit 'tired, a bit' dull, a little 'but what am I doing here? " in the long run had undermined the desire to stay on the blog. Coincidentally, it was a common sentiment and a bit 'We been told, finding joy in trouble shared half that comforted us then and there. But then, in the long run, we realized that our discomfort was different and came from a sense of bewilderment, as if we were made to take the hand from unimaginable happened, even before the unexpected, to which we paid a bit 'too many taxes, on too many fronts.
And so, as often happens in these cases, we have decided to return to the roots: namely, that a share of what we have accumulated over the years in the big world of cooking, returning to the ways of the past, where the substance prevailed over form, the recipes were published but not beautiful, photogenic and patience if readers were only 22.

The idea of \u200b\u200bus going on in his head a lot: we had sketched out something with the directory of who does it? and I (Ale) I proposed a similar experiment in the period before the blog, a forum for the kitchen, with no luck. And all because of books. Or rather, of cookbooks. That in this case, are several hundred, backed by decades of vintages of various magazines, both Italian and foreign. Not to mention the gift in monographs, brochures, advertisements, newspaper clippings, in short everything that plays on paper something that you could make edible.
"What we do with all these books?" is the question we ask ourselves, more and more frequent. For heaven's sake, we know very well what to do: read them, consult them, we pay them to her friends, experiment with the recipes and we do well over the entries. But we would do more than we make them available to everyone. And because in reality you can not do is a lot of time we think we do it in the virtual world.

On paper, everything is simple: imagine a library with many shelves full of books and magazines of all sorts of cuisine, from which you can freely draw. Would you like to look at the latest number of Italian Cuisine? or the last book of Gordon Ramsey? There is only one arm up and take what you need. In the virtual world, is even simpler: just click and you're done.
In practice, however, is more difficult. Infinitely more difficult to limit del'impossibile.
So much so that for years now we turn around, and then forget it.
This time, however, we changed the perspective: one small step at a time. Where will not know yet, but we feel the same.

So, here's basically what we have in mind to do: Blog for a tremestre, we will work on a cookbook. Choose it, I can tell and then do a bit 'of recipes, all of that. In parallel, we store all the recipes we have tried in recent years - not to blog: a breakdown by source of life-books, magazines, encyclopedias. Do not expect great photos, but we assure you great feedback, notes, tips, and-why not? - Including any corrections, because the only recipe that will disclose it only and exclusively the ones we tried: two of us, first, and then our mothers and in-law and our friends who share this passion with us.

This is where, if you like, you can come into play: if you have tried recipes from a magazine or book somewhere, just us the mandate, with your records. NO MATTER THE PICTURE. You can also do not do it or get it wrong-is the same. What is important is to give some prescription as to those who do not have space, time, opportunity or inclination to buy so many publications, or perhaps prefer to "test" something before purchasing. It goes without saying that the invitation is extended to anyone who wants to participate (including to food bloggers, for example: Just leave us a link to the recipe and post it that) and it goes without saying that we hope can do it. To tell the truth, we are terrified, so much so that I'd better stop here and leave the floor to the Dani, which touches the honor of opening this book.

fact no, there is one more thing to say except notri mariti :-) non c'è nessuno sponsor, dietro questa iniziativa. Nè presente, nè passato, nè futuro. I libri e le riviste sono quelli che abbiamo accumulato in questi anni e che continuiamo a comprare (fra Natale, compleanno e svendite londinesi, in casa mia ne sono entrati 43 e con questa mi taccio) e dietro questo nuovo progetto non c'è nessun secondo, terzo o quarto fine. Solo la consapevolezza che i libri hanno senso se possono essere messi in circolazione e il piacere di poter condividere una passione. Nè più nè meno.

Ultimissimiissimissima cosa: il logo è della figlia number 2 della Dani. E io sprizzo orgoglio da tutti i pori...


Biscuits, Sables, cookies
the bible des tout petits gateaux
Matha Stewart
2009 Hachette Livre (Marabout)
menù lindt

Martha Stewart - Biscuits, Sables Cookies
want the latest news in the crisis of a life with her friend, Hilary Clinton, who seems to have caught a glimpse of too much between her and the irreducible Bill, and even betrayed by the dog, found guilty of attacking a cameraman, while recording a program, unmindful of manners that has him inseganto mistress. We could also persecute us 2Gk on poor Martha? Of course not, is the answer, more so in front of this book that, despite the serial nature of its products and the trademark of "Sweet Dreams" American "is a delightful collection of over 150 brownie recipes from around the world , Anglo-Saxon tradition in the first place. Everything is appealing in this book, beginning with a picture index for each cookie and ending with suggestions for making these sweet creations. In addition, it goes without fail, because recipes are all tested and above all easy to do: In short, a perfect gift for those who love cooking, from learning to master chef


Just to give you an idea of \u200b\u200bthis recipe I prepared with my daughter Geneva and the French translation was transcribed during a pre-dinner laugh with absolute Carola, daughter of Ale: If this is not a recipe cross .... :-)))). We left the three versions because if you quanlcuno is a purist or a native speaker of French or English, maybe you prefer tradursele own recipes :-)))! And now, let's start: For 72

200 g of sesame biscuits

400 grams of flour plus a little 'hands for dusting 1 teaspoon baking powder

1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
350 g butter at room temperature
300 grams of granulated sugar 2 large eggs

1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1 teaspoon
Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Cover two baking sheets of cookies with wax paper. Put the sesame seeds in a large skillet over medium heat and cook abbustolire 3 to 5 minutes to move often you hear a finnchè priofumo sesame grilled. Be careful not to burn them. Toglieteli dal fuoco e lasciateli raffreddare e mettetene da parte 80 gr. Mettete i rimanenti in un mixer e tritateli finemente fino ad ottenere una specie di farina. Mettete tutto da parte.
In una boule, mescolate farina, liebìvito, bicarbonato e sale. Aggiungete i semi di sesamo macinati e lavorate bene l'impasto.
Montate burro e  zucchero lavorandoli a velocità media nella coppa dell'impastatrice ( o con un sano mestolo di legno. ndr) fino a che non diventi un composto bianco e spumoso. Aggiungete le uova e l'estratto di vaniglia. Mescolate. Riducete un po' la velocità e aggiungete la ferina poco alla volta. Mescolate fino ad ottenere una palla con l'impasto.
Mettete la pasta sul piano di lavoro e impastatela un po' infarinandovi le man per renderla omogenea.  Prendete l'impasto con un cucchiaio e formate delle palline di 5 cm di diametro leggermente schiacciate e posizionatele a mano a mano sulla teglia ricoperta di carta forno ad una distanza di ciorca 5 cm una dall'altra.
Mescolate il rosso d'uovo con il cucchiaino d'acqua e lucidate con questo composto la superficie dei biscotti spolverizzandoli con i rimanenti semi di sesamo (io ho aggiunto anche 2 cucchiate di zucchero di canna. ndr) premendo leggermente per farli "appiccicare" bene ai biscotti. Mettere la teglia con i biscotti per 15 minuti nel frigorifero per far rassodare la pasta e poi infornatela per 18/20 minuti, finchè non sono leggermente dorati. Fateli raffreddare su una gratella. Potete servirli così, con una cioccolata calda o con una tazza di te. Potete spolverizzarli con dello zucchero a velo, se vi va, perchè non sono troppo dolci. Si conservano in una scatola di latta, o a chiusura ermetica, per alcuni giorni.
Buon appetito
Dani (Ginevra & Carola)

Sesame Seed Cookies

Makes about 4 dozen
* 1 cup all-purpose flour
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
* 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
* 1 cup packed light-brown sugar
* 1 large egg
* 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
* 1 cup hulled sesame seeds, toasted
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line four baking sheets with parchment paper, and set aside. Sift together flour, salt, and baking soda, and set aside.
2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter and sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add egg and vanilla, and beat until combined. Add reserved flour mixture, and beat until combined. Add toasted sesame seeds, and beat until incorporated.
3. Using a spoon, drop cookie batter, about 1 tablespoon at a time, onto prepared baking sheets, allowing at least 2 inches between cookies for spreading.
4. Bake until golden, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove from oven, and cool on a wire rack.
Bon appetit
Dani (Ginevra & Carola)

Bisquit au sésame
Pour 72 biscuits
200 g sesame seeds
400 g flour + a little flour to your hands
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 / 2 teaspoon baking soda
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
350 g butter at room temperature
300 g caster sugar
2 large egg s
1 cuillerée à café d'extrait naturel de vanille
1 gros jaune d' œuf
1 cuillerée à café d'eau
Précheuffez le four à 180° C . Recouvrez deux plaques à pâtisserie de papier sulfurisé. Mettez les graines de sésame dans une grande poêle et faites-les chauffer à feu moyen pendant 3 à 5 minutes en remuant souvent, jusqu'à ce qu'une odeur de sésame grillé se dégage. Veillez à ne pas les faire brûler. Retirez-les du feu et laissez-les refroidir. Réservez 80g de graines de sésame. Mixez le reste dans un petit mixeur ou dans un moulin à café. Réservez.
Dans un saladier, tamisez la faine avec la levure chimique, le bicarbonate de soude et le sel. Ajoutez les graines de sésame en poudre.
Battez le beurre et le sucre à vitesse moyenne dan le bol d'un robot, jusqu'à ce que le mélange blanchisse et soit crémeux. Raclez les parois du bol si nécessaire. Ajoutez le œufs et l'extrait de vanille. Mélangez. Réduisez la vitesse et ajoutez peu à peu la farine. Mélangez , jusqu'à ce qu'une boule de pâte se forme.
Mettez la
pâte on the worktop and knead to make smooth. Lightly flour flattened 5cm in diameter. Repeat with remaining dough and place patties on plates baking parchment paper, spacing them 5 cm.
Mix egg yolk and water. Glaze the surface of the cookies with egg yolk and sprinkle with the reserved sesame seeds. Gently press the seeds into the cookies. Place in freezer 15 minutes to firm the dough .
Bake cookies 18 to 20 minutes, until lightly browned, by reversing the sheets halfway through. Let them cool on a wire rack. They will keep 1 week in a airtight container between sheets of parchment paper.
Bon appetit
Dani (Ginevra & Carola)


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