Monday, February 28, 2011

The Difference Between Welcoming Act And Greeting

MTChallenge: Prizes and a bit 'of news

Although we tried, we could not fool us and to respect the calendar: today, then, a day of awards from now until 21 when we hit the winner of the challenge this month, at the same time: as usual, we have only the name, plus a mile of chatter on how it went and by the Alexander motivations that led him to choose the one and only one recipe.
From this month, however, there is a new, all'emmetichallenge-or rather, a new entrance and we are sure that that will not please you. The problem, if I may say so, is that when we started playing, we never thought to get this "traffic" and least of all in so few months. The targets were the thirty recipes, beyond which we thought about what to do. Needless to say, thirty recipes we have already far exceeded the third challenge, and since then there racking their brains, trying to find a way to run a contest that requires more space, time and energy. We've all thought: transfer it to another blog, "contract" to third parties, increase the share :-) with the entry of new members but allla order any of the cases we liked: we feared that distort the thing that is more heart of all-that is, the spirit of this game, which is made of spontaneity and naturalness. However, alone it was quite impossible to continue. If not that, while we were there to merge the neuron, which has happened a number of Dani's daughter graduated, she moved to Milan and, for some reason still eludes us, while continuing to study it was found to have the leisure time and so we came up with the idea of \u200b\u200basking her to give us a hand. Would always remain business as usual, limited to two adjacent civic and Mtchallenge would have a future, or compromise.
be clear: neither would have bet two cents on the accession of fancilla: beyond that now is made to clean the bathroom of her home, her daughter is still "our" - branded, that is, by ' indulgent sense of compassion for what Dani and I call "our adventure on the web and in my house is called" the final blow to life before menopause. But anyhow, somewhere there must be a patron of the middle-aged and wherever it is, this time has worked well for Giorgia and she said yes we sotck of neurons found a fresh, up to date and good weight, too competent, as it does of artistic and everything revolves around the wonderful world of art.
So from this month, all the "behind the scenes" MTC has been his work-the transcript of the recipes of the participants to the pdf, on which we stayed shamefully behind.
Not only because we are aware of the hard work that we have left, needless to say to pay zero, we decided to reward saddled assigning them the opportunity to invent a new award, the composition of your post. Our good will has reached the point to grant it could spend its way also in future working relationships, some can say that the only oath the scope of the prize "30 mm in size Artistic" MTC will not leave anyone unmoved. Because he is young and irresponsible, well accepted that and then, in summary, here's the schedule of awards today
- from now until 17.00, Prizes: There are no all-and I apologize. But the recipes in this month have again exceeded sixty (and continue to arrive, over all) and it really would be unlikely to comment on all business. In addition, like many of you know, not really a happy moment, that I'm going through in recent months, and if the time already d'abitudine poco, in questi giorni è ancora meno, l'umore è sempre più sotto le scarpe. Però, una ventina li ho fatti e se riesco a trovare una mezz'oretta, oggi, ne aggiungo ancora un po'
- alle 17, i "30 mm di Dimensione Artistica": ovvero, la miglior foro e il miglior post: tre premi tre, tutti accomunati dal giudizio insindacabbbile dell'unica giurata (Giorgia) e dal fatto che non si vince niente. Neanche la soddisfazione di tirarle il premio, insomma...
- alle 21.00, il vincitore, qui e da Alessandro.

E ora, eccovi la (speriamo)prima tranche
opens the dance-and make everyone take a cuddly, inflando a meatball egg. And while the rest of the participants calls for the inspiration, not for the recipe, but for good reasons to back out, this one is justified, saying it is an idea of \u200b\u200bseries B, because the tangerine stuffing had done. Needless to say, has broken all records for participation, coming on the stroke of midnight, a mix between Mennea and Cinderella on the contrary-and even more superfluous to recall that he put his signature here, paying tribute to the goodness of originality without discounts the recipe. Which means that you win in the unanimous opinion of the jury, the highest award of all emmetichallenge ...


cevapcici Dust off the food of his childhood and tells us that as a child he scofanava 10 at a time-and never mind if the breath is affected, meanwhile, said she was small and there were no problems. Tell that to the mothers of his friends, who went home with singed clothes - "you have once again played with greta?? I told you to do this before lunch!. Since good blood does not lie, now touches to his creatures abuffarsi on these wonders of Mother core lightens with red cabbage instead of peppers. The husband attempts a desperate defense, refusing to testify with pictures of what is happening in his house at the time of the brunch, but she, undaunted, shoot and immortal, moreover, has been or not, Cooks & Flame??

Just to stay in theme, even Saretta has returned from the broadcasting and to "cook and fire" this time were his son meatballs. The repeats all'MTC, pace of all viewers who drooled in front of the TV and look forward to the recipe, saying it took the papal papal MTC to offer this opportunity. We moved, we wanted to replicate your balls to make questa sfida indimenticabile e aspettiamo il prossimo servizio....

image from here
Cooking with Marica and Drinking with Marco- recita l'intero nome del blog e già questo ci mette di buonumore. Quando poi leggiamo il suo profilo da "italiana vera", con un cuore che supera ogni confine, siamo già completamente conquistate da questa bella signora e da un blog dove la passione per la cucina spazia dagli aromi di casa a quelli di ogni altra parte del mondo. Insomma, un bell'incontro, che va ricordato col premio d'uso in these cases
Prize: come on, still playing with us

His is a cuisine that amazes, made of fine intellect and an imagination always tempered by the balance and respect for the combinations and flavors . A touch of class, this time, is the heart of bergamot, unmistakable signature of his homeland - the Calabria-a dish of great flavor and great skill. So much so that even if you do not know who is behind the pseudonym of Max, un'ideina we would have done ...

gives a blow to one of the few certainties left, arriving among the first-she is usually subscribed to the area Cesarini. But, he says, on her meatballs make this effect, a kind of immediate awakening, as in his home are made continuously, in addition to cappelletti. It gives the kitchen to the recycling, of which the balls are the undisputed queens showing, with his usual cheerfulness, what results can achieve the noble art of getting by, combined with the equally noble imperative of "do not throw anything away" - let alone the filling of cappelletti. I do not know how many times have we said to Mary that we are particularly fond of, but one more can not hurt
Prize: ago 'that remains a bit' of filling ....

Primo MTC per Terry e grande, grandissima ricetta, che getta un ponte fra l'Italia e la Svezia, fatto di limoni canditi, extravergini profumati e bacche di pepe rosa. La tentazione di mettersi uno zaino in spalla e percorrerlo da cima a fondo, novelli e ben più fortunati Hansel&Gretel, è forte, ma per questa volta ci tratteniamo. Fossimo quelli dell'Ikea, però, inizieremmo a pensarci, all'evoluzione della polpetta...

Con lei, l'MTC si arricchisce della prima "diversamente romantica" della blogsfera, una che se ne care about the public calendar and meatballs-and-meatballs on Valentine's Day. We could do without it, do you think? In our opinion it is not that, given that even above, as in romance, we are well placed: on the contrary, we were already despairing that it can not award the prize we most loved, in February of this challenge, those who "see it and save it" is was one, to be liked so much and now, finally, we are honored to be assigned, moved, our new friend. Hoping that can withstand the blow and come back and play with us ...

true love on this side A world they call themselves meatballs, falafel, and another opens up a world of flavors, aromas and flavors. The post of Dada, and what to save, print, stress, study, and then invite her to dinner and begging her to show you how: because his is a complete recipe, made with rare skill and with an equally rare precision in proposing a dish that, here, has been replicated as often simplified. Moreover, we could not expect anything different, the author of a blog born of passion that reveals a little but old and tested and a preoccupation with the details that are peculiar to the kitchen for those who test true love. Stuff to resurrect Cupid, in short ....

should open a section in the section is dedicated to the faithful, or addicted, whatever you call them, those entering the tunnel MTC, with no hope of getting out. Marcia is one of them and this time dependence is also double, because what happens with meatballs ikea. It seems that on the box empty and cry while the SERT have promised to study the case, Costa was quick to ensure the participation of the March for the next spot, hoping to succeed the same performance even at the supermarket checkout. Meanwhile, he runs for cover as well ..

Cristina B.
The fear of losing it, alas, we have it: first the poor rabbit, then the brain disguised as cabbage, with special effects attached, now that the Swedish meatballs in the persistence of taste are second to none ... In short, what not to do 'is poor women to overcome the reluctance of family members and participate in peace all'MTC only she knows. But Christ is a tough-and it takes more to discourage it: the creature is upset by tritatacarne, the husband has a sarcastic sense of smell? And here you bowl the sweet version, with lots of accessories and ad hoc name, a sweet sweedish that makes you melt, only to hear it.
If you see a girl at the market, which fa la spesa con questa borsa qui, non esistate e baciatela per noi. Ve ne saremmo eternamente grati

image from here
Un crescendo: dall'assuefazione (Marzia) all'abnegazione (Cristina) fino all'immolazione volontaria da MTChallenge.Con un vero e proprio coupe de theatre, ci presenta le polpette di Gambetto- e tanto basta a mandare in crisi le fans. "Resta con noi/Non ci lasciar" è il grido che si leva dalla blog sfera, e già si prefigurano scene da tregenda, con lui pronto all'harakiri, con mannaia, bandana e tutto il resto. L'unica impassibile è the infamous judge that, indeed, taking advantage of the possible waves of popularity MTC, rather than join the chorus broken, is quick to get the kit for perfect samurai

from the manual ...


Financière in final touch of the inevitable bandana ...

Mama Pot
meatballs from Sweden to start arriving in Maryland, but the first pass of the refrigerator of his home, then come all'emmetichallenge, but not before, wait to greet a Laurel , and let's not forget San Valentino, e.. Ah ... menu-light romantic-chic-for-two-grounds, the mica there we can forget, no? that while I forgot the flour, but then-toh-together are the same, 'ste meatballs, which are well past from the pantry, as well as from the fridge, then, in summary, from Sweden to Maryland, going to the fridge e. .. mica, there will be tired, no ??????
But as we do, to tire, with someone like you, we explain it ????? :-)))

And now, a bit 'scattered
awards for category: What fault is it
We won the prize ex aequo

Happy Arab In Kitchen In Butcher : this time, we hold the immaculate conscience. There are no rabbits, no cabbage, there are indeed some sort of hard to find ingredients: better than that, he could not go. Flaws with what you like, 'ste-Belin of meatballs was the subliminal message oxfordinamente that rose from the rules of the challenge of the month, but she did not: it took back from the butcher. It will be that good blood (D) does not mind when you see a bench, although Butcher, the snaps of the sacred fire of pique? It will be that easy things you do not like? Or more simply, is that news Miragliani, after the splendours of Rimini beach, the dunes would like to import the Competition Mr. Butcher ?

ps the picture is purely scientific and documentary value. And if the candidate we too, become part of the jury, we do it just to put the service to the worthwhile work experience above. Spirit of sacrifice is called ...

arrived there was already some signs at the time of the cabbage, when we read what he was able to combine this wonderful lady of the blogosphere, under the pernicious influence of this hell. Thought to be honest, it was immediately over the poor with loans taken boyfriend and pusher of Champagne create the appropriate atmosphere for the class and the Robyn all'aplomb. It would be enough for a trip to Global Markets, Department cruciferous vegetables, to see Mrs. divest himself of all inhibitions and engage in dances, calories from fear. However, we were told, everyone has their weaknesses, are evils of the season, then move on. But now, faced with meatballs, his personality is wavering, to identify with none other than Albano, urge avoid any liability, along with an appeal after Amanda, also deliver Roby, pliiiis

After seven edition of the MTC, the big news is that Madame Voglio Vincere deve coabitare sotto la stessa corona con Patricia, dopo che la stessa ha proclamato che vuol vincere anche lei, ecchecaspita. E mentre le Strenne accorrono in massa a consolare Stefania, dicendole che purtroppo ha perso anche questo titolo, ma magari vincerà l'emmetichallenge, noi abbiamo pensato di suddividere il premio, dando due corone alle nostre Miss. 
Una per (la dispensa di) Patricia
e una per Stefania
che non sarà la più tempestata di pietre preziose, ma di sure is the highest we could find on the market

Award "I told you so"
very serious, also because this time we had really said. That is, that the Blog Giulia we liked so much. It 'was the first on which we happen, by new food-blogger and the only from which we never managed to break away, even a day. We admired the style, sophistication, quality of content, the beauty of the photographs, and even if we never wrote, we always wondered why Julie did not find the scenarios that competed with his talent. And now, finally, something is rough-and we deliberately low-tones that can not be happy to share with you all MTC and our satisfaction and our "giulia but great!" which we hope to arrive anywhere in the world you are.
A after
Ale, Dani and Giorgia

A Lot Of Blood In Phelgm

MTC-meatballs of Mexi-Croc Monica

The last recipe is a dell'emmetichallenge out of competition, because it came after the time limit. There is another, the final list, a friend of food bloggers, to confirm how this has played havoc in February to those who must deal with time-and how, though, all'emmetichallenge there can be waived. We, needless to say, we are happy: we repeat it ad nauseum, which is played here for the sake of playing Monica and it is a good example.

fact, read the recipe, we assume that the happiest Alex is all right: we say a bit ', we do not want to be in his shoes, given the difficulty of the trial-and certainly those balls would have further complicated the Mexi crock life. Instead, so there the we enjoy with the assurance that the signature of Monica, now you should know, is synonymous with flair, imagination and good taste
tomorrow, with the prizes, and a surprise winner.

Honestly I was very excited when I read the "theme" of the challenge this month ... then I remembered that I had read a recipe for meatballs with polenta in one of my "exempt" magazines kitchen, so I spent an afternoon leafing through pages and pages, losing, as usual in other meanderings ... of course I did not find such a recipe, but always with corn meal, I thought about the accompanying sauce (guacamole, reworked by me ...) and how to present it ... The result: a little crunchy and mexico that's why ... I will call balls mexicrock

balls mexicrock
Ingredients: cornmeal
a slice of chicken breast milk
2 -3 slices of ham
Chilli powder Salt
salad envy
For the sauce:
avocado, lemon, salt and extra virgin olive oil

Prepare the polenta, adding the water a bit 'of milk, salt, and then simmer for 40' (not to be too thick), put the chicken, which was first boiled with a little onion and celery, and ham in food processor to achieve an amalgamation order. Pour into a bowl with polenta, a pinch of salt and nutmeg. Work the mixture well and form "balls" that will pass in maize flour. Fry the meatballs in olive oil obtained seeds. Prepare the guacamole by blending an avocado, the juice of half a lemon, a bit 'of extra virgin olive oil, salt and a pinch of red pepper or Tabasco sauce (to your choice ...) Put a spoonful of sauce on a leaf on them with envy and polpetta.Servire and (crock!) eating hot or cold, with a good drink ...
Hello, Monica

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the skin, but I did ...
include a cross and a page of a book .... here is the work of February!

- Raquel Blasco pattern on linen Belfast 12 wire, black DMC -

A beautiful black big cat who sits majestically on the roof ...

Miaooooo ..........;-)))

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Brent Corrigan Pizza Delivery

Max Pezzali Festival di Sanremo 2011

Max Pezzali was at the Sanremo Festival 2011 as a competitor, has not happened since 1995 when he participated in the legendary song "Without you here " (where he also presented as the author last song you sang by Fiorello) and came eighth. This year
participated with the song "My second time" and performed together with Arisa during the evening dedicated to the 150 anniversary of the unification of Italy with the song "Mama give me my hundred pounds" . The
February 16, 2011 he released his album Mainland with 11 unreleased tracks.
Below the video with the performance of Max Pezzali with the song "My second time " alone: \u200b\u200b

and the song paired with the friendly Lillo and Greg the duets of the evening, during the fourth evening of February 18, 2011 (Max Pezzali unfortunately at the end of the evening was lost):

Below, the performance of third evening of February 17, 2011 dedicated to the 150th year of 'unification of Italy in couples with Arisa "Mamma mia give me 100 lire" :

sin Max Pezzali did not have access to the final night of the Festival di Sanremo 2011 .

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Should I Soak My Porridge Oats

News: Yara Gambirasio found dead

E 'f Initiative in the worst way the story of thirteen year-old Yara Gambirasio, she disappeared Nov. 26, 2010 , fact his body was found in open country by a passerby who informed the forces order 10 km from Brembate in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bChignolo Island (Bergamo) near a stream.
The girl was wearing the same clothes the day he disappeared : perhaps it was there that day.

Unfortunately a and pilogo tragic for a yellow that has taken exactly three months to Italy with bated breath that he hoped would end in a positive way with the discovery of Yara alive.

Philippines Toy R Us Yugioh

MTC-meatballs with orange chicory Flaminia

Without detracting from the contribution of food bloggers, every time you get a recipe of "not even" we welcome a little 'more. The reason is obvious: "what the blog" have a familiarity with the medium almost daily, know the rules of netiquette, know how to deal with their own kind :-) and move freely between contests, blogs and give cany away. For those who do not has a blog, however, is quite different: there are a number of obstacles to overcome shyness to embarrassment, to say nothing of "what am I doing here?" Side B is often too close and cohesive group. Our joy is even stronger when we realize that the spring has triggered the participation is the desire to share a story, then, the recipes become really a form of communication without the filter that goes over the procedure and the list of ingredenti and MTC is found to be a crossroads of emotions, the meeting point of many people who decide to leave behind fears and shyness in order to provide the richness that only very special sharing can give. Flaminia è una di queste e le sue polpettine all'arancia con le puntarelle romane sono una di quelle ricette che ci entrano dritte nel cuore, perchè parlano di affetti, di ricordi, di tradizioni che si rinnovano ogni volta, raccontate con garbo, leggerezza ed ironia. Un ricetta "vera", per una nuova sfidante che ci auguriamo voglia giocare con noi ogni volta.
Grazie, davvero

Visto che vi piacciono le storie vorrei raccontarvi anche la mia se avete la pazienza di leggerla.
E’ tutta colpa delle polpette…. !!
Infatti pur essendo tanto tempo che vi seguo con passione non ho mai avuto il coraggio, diciamo pure l’ardire di partecipare level as much of a challenge, but faced with the meatball I could not resist ...
You should know that my mother has practically grown up in meatballs (renamed from my brother in the family "Pallocca") because it was one of the few ways in which my lovely nanny, cook superfine source Abruzzo, could cook meat without seasoning in a way that was still edible (since the total ignorance of the art of grilling, which meant that, groped you remove the meat from the pan, was flooded with cold water, uttering a string of curses in general, thus permanently contracting fibers in what, always my brother, was defined and reason "shoe sole)
So much fury in cooking fat that was in my house it was always on a diet ... with the result that we were and we were all overweight!
To return to these meatballs were cooked in a pot of sauce and usually there were repeated over several days, perhaps in an attempt to weaken our appetite never satisfied, and this is probably the fact that I do not cook the meatballs EVER! ! and if I have to, I'll always strictly in black!
But time will also change our perceptions and that 15 years seemed intolerable torture, come back, unfortunately exceeded 45, with a flavor di nostalgia.
E questo sapore di nostalgia mi hanno ispirato le vostre meravigliose ricette insieme al desiderio di partecipare con queste polpettine, che poco hanno a che fare con la ricetta della mamma, ma molto hanno del sapore di un piatto intorno a cui ritrovarsi, forse perché chiacchierando chiacchierando una tira l’altra.

Complimenti, e tanti, per il vostro magnifico lavoro nel blog !


P.S. Mia figlia ha mangiato educatamente le polpette, lasciando nel piatto tutte le fette di arancio, perché a lei “le arance cotte non piacciono” , e anche le puntarelle, perché lei “l’insalata Mom just no "... but maybe
also part of the courses and historic actions!!

Popettine orange with chicory
For the meatballs:
lean beef 400 gr 100 gr Ricotta

Red orange peel 1
Parmesan cheese 50 gr. 50 g Breadcrumbs

2 eggs Salt and pepper to taste Flour

Oil for frying For the sauce: 2 red orange

sugar 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1
oil and salt for

puntarelle a bag about 200 gr.
anchovies filleted 6 / 8
wine vinegar 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil to taste


Mix thoroughly all ingredients for meatballs with chopped orange peel. Form small balls, about the size of an olive, flour them and fry in hot oil (I use peanut oil).
In a separate pan prepare the sweet and sour sauce blowing up the slices of peeled orange in vivo, the juice of one orange, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and a nice splash of balsamic vinegar with a drop of oil and salt
Caramelize the meatballs in orange sauce over skewers and pierce. Meanwhile
to dress the part "chicory". In Rome, call it the tops of the chicory chicory, which is already clean, easy to find in any local market, but I noticed recently that are also found in supermarkets. They are eaten raw as a salad, dressed with an emulsion made with extra virgin olive oil, wine vinegar, anchovies, and salt. To prepare the emulsion chop the anchovy fillets and dissolve in a bit 'of vinegar. Add the oil and season the chicory. Adjust the salt in the end without going beyond.

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Photo snowfall in the province of Ragusa, 26 February 2011

The snow in the province of Ragusa, in contrast to many parts of Italy , is a rare event, if he falls from the sky so abundant then is "to remember" (as happened January 27, 2005 !)
Here are some photos of today February 26, 2011 taken looking from Ragusa Giarratana:

in basso una foto scattata lungo la strada che da Modica porta al bivio per Frigintini:

in basso la strada innevata nei pressi di Monte Lauro:

un ringraziamento a Rita per le suggestive (e storiche) foto.

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Ufo Brusciano (Na), scoop Striscia la Notizia, February 25, 2011

Spesso Striscia la notizia smaschera presunti Ufo spiegando l'origine degli avvistamenti con rather than a rational explanation that seems ridiculous.

Yesterday evening, February 25, 2011, they aired the service Capitan Ventosa interview with Angela and Peter to witnesses who saw in the sky Brusciano (near Naples) on the evening of 8 May 2010 a unidentified flying object described and aired during the service aliens control the sky of Naples? "Mystery of the transmission of 8 February 2011 :

present during the" scoop "Capitan Ventosa also the president of CUBMGC ( UFO Center of Benevento ) dr. Angelo Carannante .

A quanto pare il mistero è stato risolto dimostrando che l'oggetto volante avvistato non era altro che un prototipo di aeromodellino che emetteva diverse luci colorate proprio come si vede nel video; semplicemente a Napoli e dintorni hanno svolazzato dei piccoli velivoli che hanno mandato nel panico la zona.
Il filmato è durato 5 minuti ma mi ha lasciato diversi dubbi: possibile che questi piccoli quadricotteri possano volare così in alto e dare l'impressione alla gente di essere dei giganteschi aeromobili alieni?
D'accordo che io ho sempre scritto che per me gli Ufo non sono altro che dei velivoli militari sviluppati secondo gli studi di John Searl e quindi terrestri; ma ridurre which follow the sightings around the world to simply "tech toys" seems a joke.

also left me perplexed interview the president of the Center for UFO Benevento that it seemed "docile" and "silent" when they really should have been more "chatty" about these strange phenomena.

The answer to my questions I found just this morning reading some links around the web, just the person who wrote the first "MAYBE NOT HAVE FOUND THAT IT WAS the lamb ravening and SPIAZZI HAVE FAILED?" and this morning that "some statements were cut during the interview so upset the facts.
However those who have eyes to see will understand that that was broadcast on Channel 5 was a real farce. In other words, it was perpetrated a real red herring. Al dr. Carannante and the witnesses were not allowed to be heard and that is to respond to the absurd thesis that these gentlemen have shown their models. It 'a very serious. As if to say that every UFO sighting is a plane or a helicopter. "
comments to post to the UFO Center Benevento confirm my doubts.

In conclusione: sempre d'accordo sui servizi di Striscia la Notizia ma non mi piace quando screditano le persone in questa maniera senza diritto di replica e contraddittorio soprattutto in questo modo.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Tighten A Hair Weave

MTC-balls Swordfish with Imitation baked ratatouille (food)

The Board is one to which they will.
We had already said last time, amplified delighted by the comments of those who still did not know-but this tour is no exception, indeed, if possible, is also a step forward, with a recipe that is a real poem. Moreover, whenever a Genoese meets Sicily, fires always something magical is the sea that flows in his veins, will be the way of looking at things from a distance, will be the bass of a common history, made up of pride , labor, labor-but each meeting is striking sparks, and these balls are an example to the products and Sicilian fragrances combines the lightness and inventiveness of the cuisine of Liguria, in a masterpiece of balance, finesse and skill , with the unmistakable touch of the Board, who inspires love and passion, in everything he does. This time, touches the heart of the sword-and recommendations attached to them, why do not dry out during cooking, "because our hearts are dry I disliked and indigestible." And trust me, the Board is one of hearts that they will be: in the kitchen and elsewhere ....


February 20, 2011
I am the second MTChallenge!! How wonderful meatballs! Those Swedes love them and if I go I always take the Ikea! I did not bring her home because addictive! 
In return I offer this recipe taste of Sicily, a land that I have a particular feeling
The recipe comes from a free reworking of several Sicilian recipes that I found in my books, which included tuna and sardines, that I finally replaced with the sword.
I made up myself at the heart of the sword, was or was not Valentine's Day?
should do a little 'attention in this area not to stress that the heart would become dry and stringy and dry heart ... and I dislike being indigestible !!!!!
Many thanks (again HIM) to my friend Miriam to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe caponata oven, much like the flavors and scents in the classic, but it is very much lighter without frying.
'nuff said, here's the recipe!


a clean piece of Sword about 300 grams of skin and bones, get 12 cubes a bit 'bigger the better part of a nut thread and the rest coarsely chopped with a knife (do not use the food processor that reduces the delicate flesh of swordfish to a pulp).
Both the chopped cubes that (separately) should be dressed lightly with oil, salt and pepper (or chili), a little sugar and a few celery leaves chopped fine.
Chop finely sliced \u200b\u200b2 large loaf of bread (no crust) with a handful of almonds, half a clove of garlic, the leaves of 3 or 4 sprigs of parsley, pepper, a tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese abound, you will get chopped beautiful pale green!
Stir the mix with the flesh of a potato boiled and mashed (about 200 grams) and one egg slightly beaten. Add the chopped pulp sword and mix well. It must be a firm dough and a bit 'sticky.
Shape into patties by placing a cube at the center of the sword, roll in bread crumbs give a shape a bit 'squashed and brown in frying pan with olive oil for 5 minutes over low heat to avoid burning the bread crumbs. Turn gently brown the other side for another 5 minutes, covering part. Drain on absorbent paper.
sour sauce
also prepare a light sweet and sour sauce with fish or vegetable broth, a tablespoon of simple tomato sauce and basil, sugar, vinegar, salt, pepper or hot pepper, little cornstarch to make veiling.
an alternative to frying the meatballs can be cooked stew in sweet and sour sauce, are lighter, well Morbidini and wrapped in a light pink veil and tasty.
ratatouille baked
Cut an eggplant into pieces small enough to oblong, a red pepper, one yellow, one red onion, two or three stalks of celery with all the leaves,
mix well and add olive oil, salt and pepper and bake for half an hour at 180/200 degrees. Add a few tablespoons di salsa agrodolce, altro aceto e zucchero, un cucchiaio di capperi dissalati, una decina di olive verdi snocciolate e tagliate a filetti, un pugno di pinoli. Mescolare e infornare ancora per 15 minuti. Appena tolta dal forno aggiungete un pugno di foglie di basilico tagliuzzate.
Presentazione del piatto
Io ho scelto una bella coppa da champagne di cristallo della bisnonna americana.
Sistemare sul fondo due bei cucchiai di caponatina tiepida e impilare sopra 3 polpettine ben calde. Decorare con una piccola foglia di sedano e servire con la salsa agrodolce a parte.
Io the match with a glass of white wine to stay fresh Etna in Sicily or a ferment from the hills of Luni to return in Liguria.
Enjoy Dining

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Chess: New in Chess by January 2011

Nell'immagine la copertina di New in chess di gennaio 2011 dedicata al giovane scacchista norvegese Magnus Carlsen vincitore in dicembre del torneo di Londra per la seconda volta consecutiva .

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Sew Kurta Tops

Finger Food Friday-ham Madeira unstructured

That should organize itself to fashion or necessity, the buffet dinner is one of the more usual forms of the modern style of hospitality. Even if the dispute can never sit at the dinner by the primacy of the formalities, it is undeniable that in recent years to offer a buffet to its guests in an elegant and refined, without even having to spend too much or strive for some kind of figures equipment: it takes very few "straight", the most important of which, in our opinion, are the following:

- except for the birthdays of your children, banned all that is paper or something, let alone as a decoration of table. The only exception to the rule may be the napkins: If you do not have enough cloth napkins, you can fall back on those of paper, provided that they are the ones buffet, that is small and square. There are various models and many are really nice, even though they cost a bang. The lowest price is still to Ikea, so you should make you a stock: you can choose the colors you like, even the fantasies: the essential is they are always attuned to the tablecloth.
- we are tolerant about everything except the cloths do not iron. It 's a boring, we know, but a tablecloth full of wrinkles is sloppiness. Arm yourself with patience and a good iron-and try not to let any turn.

- the solid color is always a winner, the selection of tablecloths, especially for a buffet. Basically, a table spread is a kind of framework, and there is nothing better than a uniform background to stand out what you want to put in the foreground. Personally, I do not like puffs and frills of any kind, and we like the combination of color and fabric. We'll talk about the next post, of course, but the General Council, what is more, we can already let the here-and that is, use towels to cover the table legs, more so if retrieved tables of luck, maybe plastic.
- the glasses: they are the sorry note of all the standing buffet, and for those who have made attempts to limit the number, we never succeeded. Consider at least two glasses per person for diner, a flute and a glass water or wine, if not better fruit (to be able to safely put in the dishwasher), but be ready a reserve, because indeed there will be those who leave its own in some corner of the room. In business, there are marks bicchieri a forma di mollettine, che sono perfette  per gli amici:  se invitate persone con cui avete poca confidenza, rassegnatevi a raddoppiare le quantità, se non volete trovarvi con le mani a mollo nell'acquaio a metà serata.
- sempre a proposito di bicchieri: tenete d'occhio le svendite delle grandi fabbriche, come Villeroy & Boch, per intenderci e rifornitevi in quelle occasioni: ve la cavate con una spesa più che ragionevole, con pezzi che vi assicurano la porca figura. Anche in questo caso, vale la solita regola: non strafate, nè in un senso, nè nell'altro. Lasciate nella credenza i Baccarat e in cantina i bicchieri di plastica. Piuttosto, potete fare una scorta all'ikea, maybe for the "third revolution"
- Cutlery: make a purchase from a buffet of cutlery, but you can present replace with a little 'fantasy: I (Ale) also use the Ikea vases rectangular, for example, alternatively, perhaps one full of colored pebbles or flowers, just to 'break' a bit the monotony of spoons and forks. For some time, the Metro, which seem to sell the cutlery steel and plastic which are in fact: we have used in recent catering and have been most welcome, but the reception at home is better use of cutlery "true". Normally, the number is calculated based on the menu: if the forks are provided for the hot plate, he's preparing as many as guests, some more just in case. In theory, the same should apply for teaspoon, but for some reason they are beyond the rule: so, resign and calcolatene twice. No knives, of course, because in a standing lunch is not provided which need to be cut.
- always on the front cutlery, also prepared everything you need for the service, from a pallet for lasagna soup ladle, and ending with the silverware for dessert. Good service, without fear
- the services are all the rage "mixed": more than a fashion is a necessity, but while we find them annoying appareccchiata on a table in a traditional way, and even they admit: bless them in a buffet. so if you need 36 teaspoons, do not get care to knock on every door of the neighborhood to retrieve the loot. No one will notice and, least of all, you will find to say about it.
- serving dishes and trays. Via plastic, cardboard gold, the semi-faux silver. Use all the trays and serving dishes that you and fateveli provide, if not enough. They are the business card of your board and, moreover, remain in plain sight for the duration of the reception. Use of paper doilies, to protect the surface and at the earliest opportunity, treat yourself to a raised section.

- dishes: usually standing in the dinner, the hot plate è uno solo. Di nuovo, se possibile, evitate la carta. L'ideale sarebbero dei piatti in ceramica bianca, liscia, senza fronzoli o motivi ornamentali, che possano andare in lavastoviglie senza problemi. Di nuovo, tenete d'occhio svendite di magazzino, Ikea, Metro e similari: i piatti che ho io (Ale) sono costati 0.50 euro cad., tre anni fa - e se mai ho fatto una spesa di cui non mi sono mai pentita, è proprio quella.

- piatti da dessert: ok, ci arrendiamo. Esistono in commercio piattini di cartoncino assolutamente deliziosi, per cui se proprio non riuscite a resistere, comprateli. Noi , però, continuiamo a restare fedeli alla linea- e cioè, tutti i piattini da dessert che possediamo, mischiandoli senza ritegno.

-bicchierini, cucchiaini e tutto quanto fa finger food: il meglio che trovate sul mercato. Anche qui, siamo talebane, prima ancora che tassative. Intendo dire: non è obbligatorio servire l'aperitivo in bicchierini o scodelline o posatine o qualsiasi attrezzatura vi venga in mente, basta che sia da "servizio buono per quelli di Lilliput". Potreste tranquillamente disporre tutto sui vassoi e lasciare che i vostri ospiti si servano da soli, esattamente come ai vecchi tempi. E però, se vi piacciono queste cose, dovete per forza trovare delle soluzioni adeguate. Fuori dai denti: no ai bicchierini di palstica rubati alla macchinetta del caffè dell'ufficio, no agli stuzzicadenti modello samurai, no a piattini spaiati delle tazzine del caffè. Vi piacciono i bicchierini? Fatevi una scorta di contenitori di vetro dello yogurt oppure andate all'Ikea o alla Metro e con poca spesa ve ne portate a casa una quantità industriale. Lo stesso vale per le monoporzioni in ceramica: a Genova, i cucchiai di ceramica bianca (quelli in stile cinese, per capirci), costano 1 euro l'uno e le coppette variano da 1 a 2,5 euro, fatta eccezione per l'ikea, che le vende a gruppi di 4, a cifre ancora più abbordabili. Non buttate mai via le scatole dei bicchieri, perchè occupano meno spazio e per il resto iniziate a cercare un'amica con cui dividere spese e attrezzatura: è molto meno complicato di quanto possa sembrare e alla fine risparmierete anche in denaro. Un consiglio: coinvolgete qualcun altro, non solo nella spesa ma anche nello "stoccaggio": noi due, per esempio, abbiamo tutto a metà, per le cose piccole, e altro condivido con mamma e suocera. Insomma, un lavoro d'equipe che però, alla fine, si rivela vincente.
Il resto, alle prossime puntate


Ricetta nata per caso,in stretta collaborazione con la Dani, la Mapi, la Stefania e Cristina, per il buffet di Capodanno. Quindi, non è propriamente stagione, ma siccome la mousse di prosciutto sfida i calendari, potete sempre ispirarvi a questa "creazione" per qualche variazione sul theme.

Here, we have a base of cranberry jelly, melted in the fire with a little 'apple vinegar and blueberries (all Ikea), a ham mousse according to the dictates of the company rewarded MT and Madeira jelly, made with the Madeira Indian reservations of her husband (hence, the reluctance to publish: at least now it's been a bit 'of time and if anything were to read this post, too much should not be angry)

What is essential in these preparations is the space in the refrigerator. The engineer has cut out the extra shelves in cardboard, so the triple height space, but I often I arrange with trays or simply putting the glasses on top of each other.
As for quantity, for normal appetites and a rich buffet, you can reach a maximum of two each, but because it is not that if it moves someone, there is despair, because I'm quite good.

Here is the recipe for 24 cups

3 tablespoons red currant compote
half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

for ham mousse
3 hg hg ham
2 of soft cheese: Usually, I use robiola and mascarpone or robiola and ricotta, abounding more with robiola.

usually flavored with sherry (or Madeira or Porto) and / or berries of pink pepper. In this recipe, however, we left everything as "nature" as possible, because of destruction is

for gelatin to 200 ml of
madera madera
2 g gelatin

Melt cranberry jelly in a saucepan (small stove, medium heat) and sprinkle with vinegar. Allow to cool and then fill the bottom of the cups

For the mousse:
Chop the ham very fine, and incorporate the cheese until the mixture is smooth, soft and uniform. Season with salt.
Place the mousse in a pastry bag and fill the glasses half

For the jelly madera
Soak the gelatin in cold water Heat the Madeira
almost the boiling point and dissolve the gelatin, squeezed out by the fire.
Allow to cool and then, with the help of a spoon, pour a bit 'on ham mousse.

In frigo per almeno tre ore. 

L'unica difficoltà è la gelatina al Madera: a costo di diventare noiose, non la finiremo mai di ripetere che l'uso della colla di pesce o di altri addensanti deve essere ridotto ai minimi termini. Aumentate la permanenza in frigo e, specie nel caso di preparazioni nei bicchierini, non preoccupatevi se "fermissima" la composizione non è: intanto, reggerà comunque e soprattutto non opporrà resistenza al cucchiaio, quando verrà il momento di mangiarla. 
A venerdì prossimo, con altri consigli 
Ale & Dani

Funny 21st Birthday Poem

Mystery February 22, 2011, comment

Martedi sera, 22 febbraio 2011, c'è stata una nuova puntata Mystery of , I see too many services that transmit short, on the one hand there is positive because it annoys the other, it need some more depth, especially when there are some interesting innovations.

There was service on the Crop Circles with two experts who have added some detail to the broad topic that is often treated in different programs on mysteries.

E 'wave was delayed in the service of Mystery 11 December 2009 on the city of Damahur with Daniel Bossari explaining to viewers the wonders of this place esoteric and ethical and spiritual community .

R esearch of ghosts in an Etruscan necropolis at Veii, Lazio

The new envoy of Mystery, Alessandro Cecchi Paone is the rationale that a team of ghost hunters Como, went into an Etruscan necropolis is said to be haunted presences, using sophisticated equipment group Busters tried to persuade the presence of spirits within the site of Veii, in Lazio, our hero.

The evidence was not convincing, only the final service he felt EVP picked up a message saying "Who is it?" but I am disappointed by the experiment.

The animals soul?

Other services of Daniel Bossari that I had not seen yet and I think it was a mystery novel was to investigate the ' existence of the soul for animals .
envoy for the experiment in a pet cemetery near Asti, made use of the aid of a sensitive and expert Daniel Gullo.

I loved it even though we believe this service to this little conundrum, the Church has not yet decided which side , Pope Paul VI believed that there were no animals in heaven, and said that in a parish in Rome "One day we will review our animals in the eternity of Christ" while the current Pope Benedict XVI delivered in the Sistine Chapel that "all creatures, who are not called to eternity, death means only the end of existence on earth."
Many examples of dog owners who have "heard" the presence of their four-legged friends after their disappearance. Interesting
the final movie where you saw a ghost cat that darts into the street and said that Daniel Gullà rationally be explained as a condenza hydrogen.

addition to heading the aliens held by Pablo Ayo which analyzed three cases patently false and explained the reasons why the movie was not convinced, there was a video of two kids in a house under construction as they danced they had seen a ghost!
All video shot with a mobile phone is explained by a character who believes the experience of the paranormal boys seen several times, the appearance of the ghost in the habit seems to me quite false, seems to add a computer image.

Women giraffe

between services on the one end there was a women Burmese people call Padaung which has the distinction of being extend the neck (which is called giraffe women) by making an early age of rings that are slowly stretch the neck to measure in some cases even 30 cm .
collar applied around the neck from the initial weight of 3 kg is increased every two years with a new ring .

A service that has already aired associated with topics such as seigniorage and the Illuminati was to the New World Order ( New World Order), a conspiracy theory according to which an alleged "power group" oligarchic and would secretly working to take control of each state organization in the world, in order to gain dominion over all the Earth.

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Burraco: tricks

Some time ago I put some information and rules of the game burraco , here I would like to talk about some tricks e strategie visto che sul blog me lo chiedete sempre di inserirne alcuna.

Vi segnalo innanzitutto due nuovi libri del burraco scritti da Giorgio e Maura Vitale che sono molto interessanti; molti consigli utili li ho trovati sul testo " Il burraco oltre le regole " degli stessi autori appena citati:
questa vecchia pubblicazione è del 2006 quindi non aggiornato con le regole attuali ma contiene segreti, tattiche e strategie sempre valide.

Il principale modo di giocare al burraco è con quattro giocatori, due contro due quindi è importante condividere le competenze acquisite con il partner.

La fortuna è una componente essential part of the game , I have often seen strong opponents miss with the first coming just because the newcomers prize cards in the hand with Pinella and jokers.

Try to make the cockpit as soon as possible so as not to give opponents time to wait, preferably "live" that is, without deviation. Go to
well also means giving up a burraco obviously depends on the situation created, the experience then we will decide if at that time is best to wait to take the well (it can happen to pick up the cockpit and not find anything, not having burraco and go get the cockpit, hoping to find the right cards here and then they will never do so in short we must think about) or not.
also important scrap of paper, often the case that if one discards which then would serve to keep the scale of the companion. Important
keep duplicates although apparently there are, because they can often serve to the opponents, then discard a card allowing them to collect needed, keep the duplicate card also allows you to create an opportunity to take a set if you get the third paper of the same value (for example, I have two 7 of diamonds, I get a 7 of spades and I do tris).

is usually better to have a companion that does not make your own game (if one takes the cards and will not go down, it is better to have a partner who would rather go down the same game everyone else in danger of losing ground if too many cards in their hands because they want to close either or both to get anything and filling up with cards in hand then it is difficult to close.)

If we are ready to quit, do not stay with two cards in hand, otherwise it is impossible to make three (one is always discarded), then a tie might not be open and keep our game in hand.
should always try to have when we are about to close but we have not buttered, at least 6 cards in a game, or else staying with one card left in danger of losing even that necessary for us to do because the opponents burraco never take us to continually raise the floor.

These are just some tips, there are many examples and situations that may seem simple in appearance but in reality lead to error and make a balanced game to defeat.
We must not give only to blame bad luck in this game!