Thursday, March 10, 2011

Melina Welba On A Bus Clip

Drum roll ... the Starbooks!

Or better: the giant work in progress of this project which is involving as it did not happen for some time. What it is, we've already talked here and there is no need to dwell on. Better to say a few words about what we do, from now on, in absolutely every variable, given the period, but with a tenacity and enthusiasm, I repeat, we lacked a bit '.
For now, we have started an inventory of only a part of our library and for the books and we are linking the different recipes published on our blog to the various sources from which we have taken, in addition to early contributions came from other foodbloggers: just click on the title that interests you and see what and how many prescriptions have been written and tested.
Let me be clear: we are just starting, so do not expect much.
But even if we had extended the time , we probably would not bother: instead, we prefer to work in the sunshine, day after day, maybe even with daily updates. A little 'not to lose the rhythm, a bit' to help you understand how it works, a po'-finally-to get your feedback along the way / and maybe even pat some comfort, because the road is long and the "but those who have made do "is always lurking.
Anyway, in summary: for now, I'm only online books (not all) and of these only a fraction of the recipes already posted here. Simply click above and from there click on the various links.
And now, back to catalog recipes ...
good evening

ps ale to food bloggers who have kindly sent us something, we are storing, day after day and soon it will all be online. Our thanks, however, are already here,

Addressing An Invite Asking Guests To Pay

Mystery of 8 March 2011 comment

Like every Tuesday and a new episode full of mystery , the first argument was that relating to dragons Lake Santacroce with Mark Berry, this hypothesis would explain the mysterious explosions alerted the Fadalto in Belluno.

Dragons Lake Santacroce

the bottom of a piece of video taken from Mystery, March 8, 2011:

obvious that all is not credible, but the thesis supported in the service is based on the ring of a vertebra found in the '600 huge preserved in the Basilica homonymous island of San Giulio in the middle of Lago d'Orta (in Piedmont).

This mystery, however, does reflect on the legends relating to dragons : Where can derive the origin of this mysterious creature as far too many people talk about these mysterious beings?

also did not believe a word of what Mark Berry said, I really liked his movie.

Category Pablo Ayo

UFO expert journalist shows some videos sent via email to the transmission Mystery false.

Address Book Adriano Forgione

issues taken into consideration: possibile presenza di dinosauri nel XII secolo , in particolare la presunta presenza di Nessie nel Lago di Loch Ness e l'analisi dell'Ufo del quadro, realizzato da Jacopo del Sellaio nel 1450, Madonna con bambino e San Giovannino che Sgarbi nella puntata di Mistero del 25 gennaio 2011, sull'argomento relativo ai quadri del Rinascimento, aveva etichettato come macchia .
Una curiosità sui dinosauri raffigurati in civiltà antiche, particolare interesse suscita un bassorilievo cambogiano ritraente uno stegosauro .
La somiglianza è incredibile, quindi si suppone che non sia opera di fantasia ma l'autore del bassorilievo must necessarily be referring to something he had seen to make drawings of animals .

in Venice in search of ghosts on the island of New Lazzaretto

Daniel Bossari with the team of Ghost Hunter looking for admissions in Venice.
We talk about the plague that struck the Serene in 1630 and the terrible "deportation" of patients in the Island of New Lazzaretto, here is said to have remained the ghosts of those affected by this hellish illness and his team of Mystery investigated.

Sean Manchester, vampire hunter

interview the Reverend Sean Manchester who claims to have killed a in London's High Gate cemetery where the late 60's you speak 'of mysterious attacks occurred and the conviction that he was leading an entity' supernatural ate blood unleashed 'in the British capital to vampire hunting.

Remote Viewing - The power of the human mind

Lavinia Pallotta, Director of X-Times, says this interesting secret American project designed and developed during the Cold War, between 1970 and the years 80 on impulse and with funding from the CIA and other U.S. government agencies, such esperimenti trattano il vedere a distanza con la nostra mente.

Rubrica di Daniele Gullà 

Il perito biometrico analizza diverse foto e filmati contenenti presunte entità.
In un filmato di qualche puntata fa appariva il fantasma di una bambina, l'analisi dimostra che tale effetto è stato realizzato con un ologramma.

In studio Marco Pizzuti , ricercatore del Museo dell'energia, racconta degli esperimenti di Nicola Tesla , dandone dimostrazione pratica facendo accendere una lampada alla distanza di 3 metri da un generatore di 280 W .

Altri argomenti sono stati: Poltergeist, Williams' house over a graveyard and

expedition in Nepal in search of nirvana .

Again the book Pablo Ayo, this time on analysis of videos about aliens appeared on the Internet, some details show that they have been implemented in 3D on the computer. The second film showed
rings of smoke into the sky that appear in different parts of the world.

Secrets of Otzi, the oldest mummy in the world

a service already aired in episode of Mystery of the December 4, 2009 the left Daniel Bossari .
How to curse of the mummy of Tutankhamun , even for the man of Similaun it comes to this "spell" death because are 7 people that have had to deal with it .

At midnight on the last service, already aired during an episode of Mystery 11 May 2010, the rites and extreme changes to our body .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Keshyog Hair Oil Contact Us

Too many blogs, and yet another Buonconsiglio that will be ...

... bless.
.... Maybe ...
.... I wonder ....
Let me be clear: I am glad that there are so many blogs de cuisine. Happy. It 'a kind of sogno che non avrei mai osato fare, qualche anno fa- quello di avere così tante ricette a disposizione, in tutte le lingue, in tutte le solfe. Ed è un segno di una libertà di espressione vera, che non solo non conosce censure, ma neppure prevede l'adeguamento a parametri imposti da altri: non c'è un editore che screma, non c'è uno sponsor che vaglia, meno che mai c'è una (sempre odiosa) commissione di esperti che decide chi sì e chi no. Qui, ognuno ha la possibilità di realizzare un proprio desiderio, in modi e tempi che gli sono propri-e il resto, mancia: alla gratuità di un accesso e di un "kit da bravo food blogger" che valgono per tutti corrispondono la specificità di un sapere e la peculiarità a statement that the author and are only being made available to anyone kind enough to pass us by.
Which, for someone like me, whose dream is to make the plunge into the pool of Scrooge Scrooge-full of books, full of air tickets, full of papers written on with many recipes, it tastes like euphoria: the proof is my archive of recipes downloaded from the network, which is the most frantic and frenzied ever produced the neuron lonely give me a blog roll and you will close the world.
Epper .... Epper, there is the other side of the coin: namely, the risks of too much information. The most obvious of which is the loss of important news indeed, because of constant bombardment of news in the long run, dampen your interest. I had heard pe RLA first time at the time of maturity, when every opportunity is good for the whole theme of my "fell" in 1984, Orwell was one of the authors risk drawing. Culutra pages of the newspapers teemed with editorials on the subject, all designed to detect similarities and differences between 1984 described in the novel and the real and many were concerned of information: they did it all with the relief of those who escaped a danger or those who "had said" and the tendency was to compare the increasingly rapid growth of advertising and television to falsehood Big Brother branded news, and all ended the same way: we do not.
Only one had said "we, so-soon": a chance Ernesto Galli della Loggia, L'Espresso and Panorama, in a article that I was literally nailed to the bus stop: he claimed that the road not information we had embarked on a long time, even if another access, more subtle and insidious. The papers were chock-full of news, the news was more and more, current was also responsible Mickey and the result was that most of this material slid off the brain like fresh water.
The same thing happens-that-mutatis mutandis to all These blogs de cuisine: the careful reading of the blog pioneers were followed by a rushed blog rolls to your favorite blogs, with the result that, in the midst of so many good things, the best end up being left out or neglected, more so if you These courses are traditionally less attractive such as main dishes.
It is a pity because, in addition to the above general considerations, in my opinion are the most valuable "tip" of a kitchen every day and suggestions on technique, which is not the recipe for the last layer cake or cupcake of yet animated, but so much so, the world goes well and the virtual one is no exception.
Quindi, pur sapendo che 
1. questo post no se lo filerà nessuno
2. nessuno sbaverà su queste foto
3. nessuno metterà in pratica questo consiglio
il risultato del nostro ultimo esperimento è stato così esaltante che chissenefrega dei punti 1.2.3: io ve lo racconto lo stesso...


Non so se è capitato anche a voi, ma in questi ultimi anni, dopo un'indigestione di ingredienti esotici e di cucina fusion, we are moving increasingly toward the essential. We tend to subtract, rather than to increase food preferring "pure" rather than the elaborate preparations that, lately, we have the flavor dell'intruglio. This has meant an increasing focus on the things that first interested us and that is a less-manic verification of the quality of the raw material on one side and a renewed interest in cooking techniques. The speech is a little 'to everything - meat, eggs, vegetables, and becomes a kind of categorical imperative on the fish, even at the time of the empty kitchen fridge is the exception: it will be that I grew up hooked on fish caught and eaten just out of the water, but I have never tolerated Paciugo stuff on this front. Caught, gutted and eaten, so to speak.
At the same time, a wrong cooking kills the best fish in the world and so, for years we experience various techniques. In the beginning was the oil, then baked, then the salt-and then the great season salty meringue, which lasts to this day and what I have earned the gratitude of relatives, friends and fishmonger angle. Recently, however, my husband had the gimmick of trying to cook two bream after being covered with slices of pink grapefruit, leaving them in the oven at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. The result was amazing: the flesh of the fish remained moist and tender in plus the bittersweet aftertaste of grapefruit, which is as it were "infiltrated" into the meat during cooking, giving a remarkable consistency to the dish. In itself, a diminished, but with a result to be afraid ...

sea bream (PIU 'OR LESS) LIGURE

Tradition says "potatoes, pine nuts and olives Taggia" - but some change is accepted as the one you see in the picture: sea bream, cherry tomatoes cut in half, black olives, a handful of pine nuts, a bit 'of parsley, salt, a tour extra virgin olive oil and baking at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes for a "no recipe" that has the flavor of celebration.

If successful, this afternoon the Starbooks
nice day

Pernicious Anemia And Leukemia

CHESS: 1st International Festival "City of Victory" 29 / 4 - 01 / 5 2011

Finally in the province of Ragusa Open chess with a very high premium (as the winner of A will be € 750)!

will be held in Victoria (Rg) from 29 April 2011 1 May 2011 at the Sala Mazzone, Former Enel, an International Festival to 6 rounds of chess with two hours of discussion with heads (QPF).

The organizer is the ASD Circolo Scacchi "Pippo Fasino.

Pre-registration will close on 09/04/2011.

be three tournaments: Open A, Open B and Open C.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Price Reduction Sample Letters

biscuits with pistachios and chocolate Starbooks - Martha's Corner

Daniela Di
Scroll down for Inglese version
et pour la version français
Second appointment with Starbooks: this time it is also biscuits from the book of M. Stewart ...
menù lindt
but we have prepared the biscotti con i pistacchi, croccanti e saporiti. Intanto , dietro le quinte , proseguono alacremente i lavori per riuscire a condensare tutte le ricette e i libri che abbiamo, oltre ali vostri contributi, ovviamente, in una lista quanto più completa possibile : un lavoro enorme , ma anche sorprendente, per la mole di link, ricette, volumi, riviste ecc ecc che gira per le nostre mani.... aspettate e vedrete! Per ora godetevi questi croccanti biscotti, che come sempre vi trascrivo nelle tre lingue per lasciare, a chi è così fortunato da saperlo fare, il piacere di scegliere la sua "versione" preferita...
 Biscotti ai pistacchi e "pepite" di cioccolato
280g of flour - 50 g unsweetened cocoa powder
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1 pinch of salt
- 90g of butter at room temperature
200g caster sugar - 2 eggs
- 125 g of shelled pistachios
- 80 grams of dark chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Mix the flour with cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Beat butter and sugar in medium bowl speed of a food processor until the mixture becomes light and fluffy.
Incorporate the eggs and mix at low speed until dough is smooth, scraping sides as needed. Add the flour and pistachios with chocolate chips. Place the dough on a baking tray lined with baking paper and form a slightly flattened roll of 10 cm in diameter and 30 cm long. To do so, help you with the wax paper, to give it a more regular form.
Bake for 25 minutes. Remove from oven and cool 5 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 150 ° C. Place the roll
cooked on a chopping board and cut with a serrated knife into slices 2.5 cm thick. Pasta can be a bit 'fragile, so be gentle.
Place the biscuits on a baking sheet and cook for 8 minutes When they are crisp outside but still slightly soft in the middle. Let cool on a wire rack. Will be perfect to be eaten for breakfast with coffee, but are also perfect for an excellent snack. And, if you can save someone, you can keep for a week in an airtight container. For the next few biscuits


Chocolate-Pistachio Biscotti
Serves 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 6
, room temperature, plus more for baking sheet
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for baking sheet
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
2 large eggs
1 cup shelled pistachio nuts
1/2 cup chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter and flour a baking sheet; set aside.
In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, and salt. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs; beat until well combined, scraping down sides of bowl if necessary. Add flour mixture, and stir to form a stiff dough. Stir in pistachios and chocolate chips.
Transfer dough to prepared baking sheet; form into a slightly flattened log, about 12 by 4 inches. Bake until slightly firm, about 25 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for about 5 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 300 degrees.
On a cutting board, using a sharp serrated knife, cut biscotti diagonally into 1-inch-thick slices. Arrange biscotti, cut sides down, on baking sheet, and bake until crisp but still slightly soft in the center, about 8 minutes.

Biscotti aux pistaches et au chocolat

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roesent always keep your skin makes wrinkles,
hair turn white,
the days turn into years.
But what is important does not change;
your strength and your conviction does not have age.
Your spirit is to glue qualsisi spider.
arrrivio Behind every line is a line of departure.
Behind every success there is another disappointment.
long as you're alive feel alive.
If you miss what you were doing, go do it.
not live on yellowed photos ... even if you insist they expect dropouts.
not let it rust the iron in you.
Make sure that instead of compassion, take you over.
When the years because you can not run, walk fast.
When you can not fast walking, walking.
When you can not walk, use the stick.
But do not hold back ever!
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)

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Gazzetta dello Sport "All the pink of life" friends

In the video above the spot All the pink of life , set in Buenos Aires where a girl lives through and the world Journal with moments of spectacular sports and effects that contaminate his daily life, to send out the message that the rose is not just the color of the newspaper most widely read and loved by the Italians, but a way of understanding life and interpret the days of everyone .

The tour ends on the logo that appears at the end of spot in the center of an imaginary world of Gazzetta dello Sport:
for this campaign, La Gazzetta dello Sport was entrusted to an agency global multinational company, McCann Erickson . The

colonna sonora è il grande successo di Freddy Mercury e dei Queen , Somebody to love , pezzo del  novembre 1976, primo singolo estratto dall'album A Day at the Races , nella fresca cover dei Glee che rende attuale l'emozione di uno dei pezzi musicali più belli in assoluto degli anni '70 .

Tale parallelismo ricercato tra "vecchio e indimenticabile" e "nuovo riattualizzato" vuole far capire come la oltre centenaria Gazzetta dello Sport is always in step with the times providing daily with modern codes and language, the emotion and passion for sport and for life, never forgetting our past .

not over here a series of initiatives (including interactive and viral), entrusted to the agencies Abcrea , g-com and Tunnel study, the surprise will be activated within the next few weeks in all the territory!

Since today, March 8, 2011, and 'the Women's Day, the Gazzetta dello Sport after so many sacrificed to Sunday Football also decided to make a thought to all of them hoping that they can accept this "Rose" thought.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Rash On My Forehead

historical dishes: macaroni Rossini

Daniela Di
Let's start the day with a smile "historic"? If you like, I'll tell you a funny story on the star of the day: Gioacchino Rossini. I found here and is very fast. It is said that the Maestro had been persuaded to recommend tenor opera singer Enrico Tamberlich a not particularly talented. The Tamberlich felt it, but was impressed by his mediocrity. So he asked for explanations Rossini, asking the reason of his achievements, the response of the musician was " If it was good, it was recommended by itself, no? "
Back then, once again to our" Swan of Pesaro "recipe for a much more substantial of his" salad ecstatic glutton 'of the another post. Also in this case you propose again as the Master told it to two people dictated December 26, 1866: with all the specifications of pans, and cooking times. In below you will find some small indication of personal explanation.
I like the idea but the first to introduce the pot to give you another part of the musical similarities and food of our "empty stomach is the bassoon or flute in which the little grumbling discontent or envy yelps, the Instead a full stomach is the triangle of pleasure or the cymbals of joy. "
Riempiamoci the spirit of joy and then we read of his
macaroni Rossini
" To be sure you can make good macaroni, it must first be pans suitable. The dishes that I serve are from Naples and sold under the name of the lands of Mount Vesuvius.
The preparation of macaroni is divided into four parts.
1. The cooking
Cooking is one of the most important and should be given the utmost care. It begins by filling the dough into a boiling broth previously prepared in full, the stock must have been switched to filtered, and then you bake the dough on a low heat after having added some cl of cream and a hint of bitter orange.
When the macaroni has taken a transparent color for the degree of cooking, are removed immediately from the heat and drained until they contain more water is held by them before being placed in layers.
2. The preparation of the sauce.
Always in a clay pot, as is done here.
For 200 g of macaroni put it:
50 g of butter,
50 g of grated parmesan,
5 dl broth,
10 g of dried mushrooms, 2 chopped truffles
100 g of lean ham, chopped 1 pinch
four spices,
a bunch of herbs,
1 tomato,
1dl cream, 2 glasses of champagne
Allow to cook basso per un'ora circa; passare al colino cinese e serbare a bagnomaria.
3. La preparazione a strati
E' a questo punto che si rende necessario il tegame in terra del Vesuvio. Dopo aver leggermente ingrassato con burro chiarificato e raffreddato il tegame, vi si versa uno strato di salsa, poi uno di maccheroni, che va ricoperto da uno strato di parmigiano e di gruviera grattugiati e di burro; poi un altro strato di maccheroni che si ricopre nello stesso modo; il tutto bagnato dalla salsa; poi all'ultimo strato si aggiunge un po' di pangrattato e di burro e si mette il tegame da parte per la gratinatura.
4. La gratinatura
The hard part is to brown the dish for the moment to be eaten. "
And now my suggestions:
Now: the vegetable broth (1 carrot, a stalk of celery, onion and tomato) is left to simmer for about 1 hour, filter it will be removed some wooden spoons (I would say more than about 4 dl 5: rather long with a drop of hot water, if it were to dry out too much) to make a sauce. Ah, for those like me who do not know, the chinois strainer is made tip: trust that even a rounded is fine, as long as it meshed! In the remaining broth add 1.5 to 2 dl of cream and / or a pinch of powder bitter orange or a couple of tablespoons of juice, always bitter orange or failing that, like me, pink grapefruit.
For the sauce, the bouquet garni is not specified, but I put a bit 'of parsley, thyme and wild thyme (I know it's a strange name, but it is even called it that) that I had in my garden . As I mentioned in the previous recipe I do not have Rossini with black truffle : so I used a spoon drawn from my jar of chopped black truffle, and perhaps the taste is less strong, but the smell was felt intense and then we need to do virtue of necessity! For ham, we mean the cooked, even in a single slice for comfort. The final cooking of the macaroni was cooked in the broth making them perfect with the cream and the orange for 8 minutes.
Another observation you can keep dried mushrooms to soak too little, so then simmer for 1 hour, so there are no problems. For the amount of Parmesan and Gruyère necessary for the "construction" of the dish enough about 80 grams of a 80 and both of the other grated and I confess I did not add, between each layer, more butter, only a little piece on the surface for gilding.
The final cooking in the oven was 20 minutes at 180 degrees plus a couple of minutes alone with the grill.
practice last observation: I have preferred, given the sostanziosità plate, prepare timbale many portions, rather than a single pan and, at the cost of the Master to turn in his grave, I've done well in the mold of muffins. They came perfect without having the hassle of cutting inaccurate in the pan. You just have to wait a few minutes of warning before you turn them, because together they congeal 'and is "on" better. The sweet tooth can always eat 2: Consider that with these doses have prepared 8 timbales.
What I can not communicate, with photos, is the wonderful aroma of this dish, which really is a dish for a king: an exquisite culinary refinement. And above all, the series does not throw anything, once you've filtered your sauce, you set aside the "waste" because, by their goodness, they can be recycled easily: just chop with a knife, with two re-soften or tea spoons of cream or milk or tomato, as desired, season with salt and use them to flavor a pasta: works great
Bon appetit to all

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Ospiti 18^ puntata

The guests of the eighteenth episode of "All Sports Tie Break" aired tomorrow on the 4th Network Blue (22.30 to 23.30) and Wednesday at 4 ^ Net, same time, will Maurizia Borri Chieri Volley Club, Cristina Tabasso, POL Pecettese, Rebecca Talevi, skating, and Rita Grande, Tennis Trofeo Kinder + Sport. Provided a telephone connection with Michele Torella, Chairman Organizing Committee Foil World Cup, scheduled at 11 to 13 March Ruffini

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10: Virgil win Simonelli (singing) and Denny Lodi (dance)

ended yesterday evening, the 10th edition of the talent Friends of Maria de Filippi for the first time that two awards for song and dance .

Virgil Simonelli was the winner of the hand and Denny Lodi for dance (dancers second Giulia Pauselli and Vito Conversano )

Both will receive a cash prize € 100,000 each, to Annalisa Carrone , winner of the critics' prize and second place in the hand, will be 50 000 euro.

The final Friends of Maria De Filippi has been well followed on TV get any points for 6.5 million viewers ; 5,206,000 with an average share of 25.67% (26.63% of the target commerciale/31, 29% on 15-34).

Last year Friends 9 was won by Emma Brown , the second highest ranked Loredana Error and third Pierdavide Carone .

's Friends eighth instead was won by Alessandra Amoroso , second place winner of the Sanremo 2010 Valerio Scanu and third Luca Napolitano .

view of the famous names who have won friends in past years, surely Virgil Simonelli heard a lot about it!

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Vota lo "Sportivo del mese" di marzo

begins this week, the race for success in the competition " The Sportsman of the Month " di marzo. A contendersi il successo saranno Indre Sorokaite, Chieri Volley Club; Rebecca Talevi, Pattinaggio; Renato Morelli, Football Americano; Trevor Johnson, Valpe Hockey; Simone Cotani, Pms Basket.
Nella prima puntata di aprile verrà  proclamato il campione, che sarà protagonista nello "zoom".
Inoltre i cinque "campioni del mese" (da novembre 2010 a marzo 2011) si "sfideranno" ad aprile 2011 per il titolo di "Sportivo dell'anno", con premiazione nella prima puntata di maggio

First Death Anniversaryinvitation

Domani e mercoledì la 18^ puntata

Andrà in onda domani, martedì 8 marzo, su 4^ Rete Blu, digitale terrestre canale 112 (ore 22,30-23,30), e mercoledì 9, su 4^ Rete, digitale terrestre canale 11 (ore 22,30-23,30), la diciottesima puntata del rotocalco sportivo settimanale "All Sports Tie Break".
Oltre alle consuete rubriche, inchieste e servizi sul volley e sugli sport del ghiaccio, sono previsti approfondimenti suulo sport al "femminile", in occasione della festa della donna.

Lo "Zoom" is dedicated to the American football match Italy-Germany, held at the Ruffini .
You can intervene by sending mail to tips, trivia and questions at: and

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Volley: impresa del Chieri a Crema

Extraordinary Chieri. Vince once again without shortstop role in the field. Wins three more points fundamental in difficult terrain such as Cream. Best business card before the Italian Cup, scheduled for next weekend, there could be . This brings to 11 lengths clear of third place. The Chieri Volley Club in partial boot digs the groove after the first suspension technique in a partial boot started point to point (4-4, 6-6, 8-8) collecting a break of 7 - one that allowed biancoblu to jump ahead 15-9. Soroka (top scorer of the match) the author of six points in the partial boot leads to 16-11 with which the Piedmontese did in fact take over the set cream can never mend the gap. Arrive at -3 (19-22) Corvese then restores the gap with an ace and an attack (19-24). Closes on Zetova 25-20. In the second set it is exactly what happened in the village of Boot, only roles reversed. Why is the usual balance that characterizes the early stages of partial and time are the landlord to engage the right gear. Ahead 8-7 took the opportunity to always stay ahead of two lengths (13,11 -14-12, 15-13, 16-14). Any attempt to recover from Chieri is in vain. In contrast, gains a partial Icos 7-2 (23-16 Filipovics signed). Chieri do not give up and try again a difficult pursuit. Mautino, Soroka and Zetova leading up to the Piedmont 23-19. Filipovics But do not mistake the ball of 25-20. Third part Chieri full of emotions that you do not lose heart after starting the set trailing 12-8. From here begins the gradual recovery of biancoblu reaching parity at 15 with Corvese, Soroka Zetova and brave to make the decisive ground balls 15-12. Arimattei allows guests to stick my head at the second technical suspension (16-15). Now the part because it takes a different turn with the passing of his actions Chieri find the mechanisms. In witness whereof Zetova claw the ball of 20-16. And it is the decisive extension. Togut tries to cast his lot, but now we are on Chieri 23-21 and won the first match ball by captain Borgogno 24-21, the second door on the occasion, 2-1 (25-22). The fourth set is characterized by intensity. Since 15 of the biancoblu seem to find the extension good enough to go on the 20-17, but Cream is the team that does not give up and mend the breach with Luciani (20-20) lead in the final. It is always to bring her on the premises 24-22. Chieri undo the two ball set by exploiting a bug in the attack of the host and scoring a wall with winning Corvese. Mautino and surgery in the initial ball of 25-24. The 26-24 is an attack Fratoni out by the referee judged that there was a touch on the wall
CREAM: Luciani 11, Drozina 2, Togut 10 , Filipovics 14, Cagninelli, Pisani them., 19 Marc De Vecchi, Sghedoni it., Fratoni 14, Molinengo (L). Herds Barbieri
CHIERI: Corvese 9, Burgundy 5, 8 Mautino, Zetova 15, Giogoli it., Arimattei 15, 24 Soroka, Pavlovic it., La Rosa Ne., Zauri, Borri ( L). Herds Beltrami
PARTIAL: 20-25 (26 '), 25-20 (26'), 22-25 (32 '), 24-26 (30')
REFEREES: Piubello and Guarneri

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Pallanuoto: successo della Torino '81

The Allmag Regalidea Torino '81 returns to full and back to win. In the 1st round of the championship to A2 (Group North) water polo, the team coached by Marco Risso has beaten 14-9 (sub: 4-4, 1-3, 3-3, 1-4) Away Water Polo Brescia, showing a great team game, with players more representative in the chair and finally decisive. Finally fully recovered the center 'Bartolocci Marco, author of a hat-trick, as the Macedonian Ivan Vuksanovic. Other markers: 2 Seiner and Aversa, 1 Rusiello, Mantero, Giuliano and Azzi. With this result, the Gialloblu climb to 7th place in the standings to just two points from the playoffs.
next Saturday, due to coincide with the European Diving (8-13 March), the Allmag Regalidea Torino '81 will play the match against the City of Vigevano Biella, instead of the pool Monumental Turin.

(4-4, 1-3, 3-3, 1-4)

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Hockey: Valpe ko

in a wonderful audience, more than two thousand spectators, including some 200 arrived by any means by Torre Pellice, Race 1 semifinal finishes at three 1 for the Wolves but made life difficult for landlords yielding only in the final.
Biancorosso McDonough and Saviels but without arriving from Turin Stricker and De Frenza, absent only in Pusteria Sirianni.; Arbitrate the modest Bosio and Gastaldello. The Wolves line up with Loyns Desmet and Siranni while traveling in the second line pair Cullen - Jensen, Francella - Ellis run three full lines with Iannone center of the second with De Frenza and Tony Silva and Aquino is in third with Fridge and Pozzi. The part
Pusteria very strong but the fort stands in front of a safe Valpo Regan (19 saves) that blind and the first zero to zero helped by a careful defense of the villagers that contains the gusts offensive of the owners, the two most delicious powerplay do not bite and the occasion, including a parade and the other happens to Luch Aquino on the counterattack but there Stromberg. According
time and dusts off Valpo 3 -1 -1 much less suffering and indeed, after about ten minutes, is in the powerplay of Luch Aquino and Nikiforuk the key to unlock the door brunicese; Trevor Johnson shot and thinks the ' Frank De Frenza smart to be as stubborn and quick in front of the slot and a sack for the delirium of "torcida" red and white. Gialloneri that are nervous and Valpo that controls well the advantage until the end of the period.
Third time and hosts to the white; pass only two minutes and you decide the match. Stricker fired a broadside on the counterattack barely rejected by Stromberg and Desmet is on the change of heart to even using a disc with Regan put at the center of balance. The Office of the Wolves that attack with his head down with the Valpo closed in front of their doors and ready to go as soon as possible on an invention of Nikiforuk is in fact still Luch Aquino to be hypnotized by the Finnish goalie. At 53 °
it takes a generous penalty whistled in Wells on offense to give the Pusteria again with the opening goal after Desmet wonderful combination of Kelly and Cullen, the Valpo feeling the pinch and heels but it's sunk in three minutes from the end of a 'other arbitration decision that penalizes Silva for 4 minutes for a high stick in front of the door yellow black. The inferiority kills the possibility of recovery, and when Kelly also be punished on the bench, the card allows the Extra hattacker mangy Jensen network into an empty net in the final 3 to 1.
The faces of the villagers to express any disappointment end of the game for a match for two days, thanks to great defense and a big Regan, the Valpo was conducting very clever tactics and a great conviction.
But the match also said that the series is not "marked" in spite of the large-scale offensive panzer Alto Adige and a widespread belief that Valpo is a sacrificial victim, the first response Torre Pellice tomorrow.

VALPUSTERIA HC - HC Valpellice Bulldogs 3-1

(0-0) (0-1) (3-0)
De Frenza 29.24 (Nikiforuk-Johnson)
42.29 Desmet
53.23 Desmet
59.43 Jensen

Sunday, March 6, 2011

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Strennas On Monday, the 2-and 1-click PDF

... it was, that the bad policy? or Athens, but not crying is that Sparta is bulging with laughter? Well, long story short: I forgot the pdf of Strennas January. Or rather, I have prepared, I posted, I asked the other fellow disburdens slide if era tutto ok e poi, puff, svanito dalla memoria. E finchè si tratta della mia, passi: ormai è quasi un assioma, la mia testa fra le nuvole, che un pdf di più o uno di meno non fa la differenza. Ma gli altri sei?????? No, dico: gli altri sei, com'è che non me lo hanno ricordato???
La risposta la so, sia chiaro: e va ricercata nel metodo scientifico con cui programmiamo i nostri appuntamenti mensili. Che cominciano sempre con un primo messaggio, dal titolo che non lascia spazio ad equivoci: di solito, sono blandi moniti (secondo me)/cazziettoni della malora (secondo le altre Strenne, ma non date loro retta, perchè non è vero), e proseguono con un invito a raccogliere le idee, di seguito. 
Dopodichè, va più o meno così
"iihhhhhhh, ma è già finito il mese??? dobbiamo ricominciare??? io non sono all'altezz a (Stefania)
segue mezzo km di variazioni sul tema dell'altezza (Fabio)- e poi si riprende
"oggi c'è un sole bellissimo, sono andata a fare un giro meraviglioso, ho conosciuto persone stupende, tanti baci a tutti, vi amooooooooo " ( Eli/Fla- e poi chiedetevi perchè le han mandato più di 300 ricette, per il contest sui cuori)
altro km di digressioni sul tempo, a cui si accodano bollettini medici di vario genere, dall'emicrania alla malattia tropicale e da lì si passa a parlare di vacanze, con lista della spesa annessa- "che mio marito ancora non lo sa, ma in Tanzania ci andiamo perchè voglio comprare un nuovo stampo a forma di giraffa e come ce l'hanno lì non ce l'ha nessuno" ( Annalu, la meta è indifferente)
"altro che vacanze, qui mi sa che stiamo a casa a studiare tutta l'estate: la creatura ha appena detto che il participio passato di erudito è "erodotto" (Ale)
"e io eroBrontolo" (Fabio)
(n.d.a.: a parte la perla della creatura- verissima- tutto il resto è inventato di sana pianta: ma qualcosa mi dice che le Strenne in questo momento stanno ridendo)
follows when collective contrition, that you can not go on like this, which is always wandering, and was never seen and not we are serious and well ...
"Well, I for gifts of June I prepared this one-and-so" (Mapi)
The following is strictly censored, but if I were to write, would be more or less like
"Mapi, bip-bip-biiiiiiiiiiiiiiip §% & * ç biiiiiiiiiiip, Mapi, beep beep
... and so to delirium, you see, every day, more times a day.
So much so that every time we see a pdf we wonder how it could have made it, even in this round ...
Anyway, this month we take a half-pause, until March 20, no license plate Strennas recipe. It goes without saying that we are working for you, you may be surprised with special effects and surprise will be those for everything else there's mastercard etc etc, but for now tight-lipped. To kill time, I left the two collections, one in January (late) and that of February (prompt: c hi guess he prepared? ???), hope you like them and that they can send you a bit 'of gaiety and that friendship che ci uniscono e che sono uno dei tanti motivi per cui ringraziamo il web di esistere, ogni giorno. 
Buona Settimana

Strenne di Carnevale
Strenne di Gennaio

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Two contest yet to be reported

In questi giorni sono stati indetti due contest che avremmo piacere di segnalarvi, per il fine benefico che li contraddistingue: sono il Contest per Bene, di Sonia e Una ricetta per il Santa Luci a di Caris. Il primo appoggia un progetto di sensibilizzazione alla conoscenza dell'endometriosi, il secondo è l'ingegnoso attempt at a positive and courageous mother not to close yet another structure that works and that there is a huge need, under the blows of the ax blind cuts in public spending. In both cases, the recipes to make a link between personal stories of suffering, courage, dignity and hope and an increasingly deaf to the needs of citizens, let alone whether in hardship or difficulty. And in both cases, the regret we feel, every time we are unable to participate in a contest, went beyond the usual way, we decided to stop the emergence of this week, we see that distant and distracted from the kitchens, providing for our blog advertise le due iniziative, invitando tutti i nostri lettori, con e senza blog, a sostenerle come meglio potranno.
Perchè è vero che la speranza è sempre l'ultima a morire: ma se, nel frattempo, ci si rimboccano le maniche e la si alimenta un po', è meglio per tutti. 
Grazie ancora a Sonia e Caris. 

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update your operating system from Windows XP to Windows 7 I am aware that there are different hardware compatibility issues, such as the CD with the driver of my scanner HP Deskjet F4280 series gave me error during installation in Windows 7.
The first step is to go on HP's website and type in the name of your hardware, after you click go to download drivers and you will find a file of 205 MB download that will allow you to finally resolve this annoying problem without thinking , disappointed, to buy a new printer!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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sull'MTC ...

Insomma, questo Danubio vi piace proprio... è da ieri che salto dal blog a Facebook alla casella di posta, rispondendo a commenti, domande, spunti e discussioni ed è da ieri che devo confessare la mia ignoranza in materia. Fino a qualche anno fa, per me "donna del Nord" il Danubio era solo un fiume (e che fiume!): è stato solo con la frequentazione dei primi forum di cucina che ne ho scoperto l'esistenza e, col passare del tempo, mi sono anche cimentata in qualche ricetta. Con grande titubanza, a dir la verità, perchè l'allora mia "socia" in catering&Co era sposata ad un napoletano verace e questi lievitati erano "cosa sua": e hai voglia a pensare il contrario, viste le meraviglie che uscivano dalle sue mani: tortani, babà dolci e salati, pizze e tutto quanto viene sfornato in questa regione e che, da noi, non faceva tempo ad arrivare sui buffet already had to provide to refill the trays. The Danube, needless to say, suffered the same fate: past the initial hesitation (from "What?" To "how to eat?"), You slingshots all grasshoppers in style and we could only tell us to relatives and friends what good were these balls of brioche bread stuffed with every gift of God's husband took some revenge by describing Buchteln Trieste and it was during a question and answer like this, yesterday on FB, that Mariella had the courtesy to tell us the true story of the Neapolitan Danube, from its origins to the present day. Here it is:

"I can tell you how born on the Danube? This "flower" is created by pastry stuffed briochine Scaturchio, an institution in Naples and famous even outside the city limits. Its founder, John, had arrived at 13 years, from his native Calabria (Calabria, in the end, somehow got to do) to reach the two older brothers, who were already working in the field of pastry. He began his apprenticeship, but it comes the first World War and touches leave for the front, along with other "boys of '99." There, despite the war, he met Mary Ann, an Austrian girl, which, after the war, marry and bring with him to Naples. Ivanka was born soon, the first of six children and John decided it was time to go it alone, leaving his brother where he works and he opened a pastry shop, in the historical Piazza S. Domenico Maggiore. The pastry starts to make a name, thanks to the high quality of its products and thanks to a kind of great chocolates, called "ministerial" (which also has a fascinating story, but maybe, I will tell you another time ). In this creative fervor, John, inspired by a fresh preparation, common throughout central Europe, it also creates the Danube, and decided to call it that, in honor of his wife's country of origin. "From that moment begins the" triumphal march "the Danube, which leaves the shadow of Vesuvius, and bring it to establish itself as a preparation to secure approval for buffets and receptions all over Italy "
Mariella Di Meglio

And while sull'emmetichallenge we returned, I take this opportunity for clarification and a response to a question that sometimes comes back.
The clarification concerns the mechanisms of vote: you, as always, are delicious and you never asked for anything, even when we informed you of our decision to add the recipe as a juror in the promoter of the challenge, but we like to be clear, the more reason in this case. So open your ears that I explain it ...
For many new members, in the beginning was the Jury only two of us, and sole judges undeniable and point: it could make sense only when we were up to us to bring the recipes, tricks and because he knew secrets. But when are evidence began to change hands, it seemed only right, right before it, involving also the winner of the challenge, for the reasons mentioned above: it is who offers the recipe that has the keys to success and no one else better than he / she can judge its merits. From the third challenge onwards, therefore, the jury is composed of two members fissi (la Dani ed io) e un terzo "variabile", che cambia tutti i mesi, vale a dire il vincitore della sfida:. E questa, la teoria. Dal punto di vista pratico, invece, funziona così: una volta arrivate tutte le ricette in concorso, sia noi che il terzo giudice stiliamo un elenco delle proposte che ci sono piaciute di più. Dopodichè, confrontiamo e teniamo solo quelle che abbiamo in comune. Se, per esempio, a noi due fossero piaciute le ricette numenro 1,2,3, e al Giudice quelle 2,3,4, verrebbero scartate la 1 e la 4 e il giudizio riguarderebbe solo la 2 e la 3. A questo punto, la palla passa interamente nella metà campo del terzo giudice. Possiamo dargli conforto morale, ascoltare i suoi smoccolamenti, non battere ciglio quando desperately asks "why-why-because I won the emmetichallenge ?????" but we do not feedback on the bill. Nada de nada.

MTChallnge- banner The last thing about a question we do a po'-that is, who are the girls who pull the sword in the banner dell'emmetichallenge. So far I've always said privately, but since the last assumption we argued that the Dani and I, agreed to disclose the identity of the swordsmen, before they put around strange voices. Behind the mask there are the creature and Constance, another friend "historic" the daughter, known at the time of the right screen is now the companion clase school. Even here, however, there is a backstory worth telling, because here's the whole spirit of 'emmetichallenge: that is, a game created for the sheer desire to have fun with friends, not even the' ambition to be a contest. Sure, there were the rules and the number zero, but only because they were essential to the understanding of a new mechanism for most of us, but the rest was just wanted to play, and before we do it better. If not that, and rightly so after a while 'you began to ask the banner: and at that point, we have trawled the archives of family photos, to find something that would make the idea of \u200b\u200ba challenge. Up to now, no we are used to document the family feuds with reportage photography, the only images that could evoke vaguely the duel were the thousands of shots in which the husband had captured the creature and her friends at the time of fencing, and so we chose one and we put that , "which in the meantime, it's just temporary ...
Good Sunday to all

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Lady Gaga's new single, "Born This Way

few days ago on the radio I heard the latest single Lady Gaga and found it fantastic since the first few seconds!
The new song of American singer , published on February 11, 2011 throughout the world as a digital download and sent to U.S. radio on February 15, is Born This Way , extracted as the first single from her second solo album of the same name. The song went
strong worldwide, in Italy came second in the standings to debut Fimi .
In the United States of America the song has sold about 448,000 copies in its first three days, debuting directly the first position on the U.S. chart and becoming the thousandth song to reach the summit.

the videoclip Born This Way is a clip that mythology tells of a world in which men are incapable of hating , until the devil does not take the field to create chaos in which we are accustomed; both in the introduction that the long video, Lady Gaga brings up the aliens ; a few days ago the Take That with Kidz published a UFO-themed video clips , that is the time to begin preparation for contact with beings from other worlds that according to many will be in 2012 ?

Friday, March 4, 2011

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MTC in March: the recipe of the challenge is ....

The Danube

lacked up, let's face it: after a full menu including dishes, side dishes, desserts and eggs, we could not further postpone the appointment with a baking. Less than ever when the winner of the challenge is how Tery, who likes to have hands-on, and if it rises even more. We have studied a bit ', to be honest, because we wanted to still maintain a link with the homeland of our Judge , transplanted from Calabria to Milan and, after discarding a bit' proposals, complicit in the evils of this season still too uncertain, samo finished talking about the wonderful cakes and stuffed breads that are sublime in the South: from there to reach the Danube pace was quick and I assure you that we are indeed very satisfied with this choice, which seems perfect for our challenge.
Tery wrote post a highly detailed, complete with pictures and step by step explanation, both for those with a mixer, and for those who, by choice or necessity, must be of "elbow grease" in both cases, the explanations are worthy of Baker's best lyrics, so much so that even if you are not among the participants, our advice is to do still treasure his suggestions. The call is even more true for those dell'emmetichallenge, together with the rules of this round

a. mandatory ingredient: the dough. Even if you decide to opt for the sweet version, keep the dough ingredients and dosages that are suggested by Tery and here

b.procedimento required: the rising, of course. You can use the yeast that you like, but we want to see a yeast mixture, no scones or flat unleavened bread, so to speak.
Obviously, our Gluten Free friends may choose to replace the wheat flour with what they want, without limitations.

however, have absolute freedom

-the filling: anything. Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, ethnic, fusion, all that comes to mind, more or less vaguely edible, it is acceptable.
on-form: do not overlook this detail, perchè può essere uno spunto davvero interessante, anche sul fronte delle sperimentazioni (la cottura, per esempio)

c. tempi: dalle 00 del 13 marzo alle 24.00 del 28 marzo. Per gli anche no, basta la solita mail a "", anche prima della data d'inizio, che intanto ci pensiamo noi a pubblicarla entro i termini corretti. Le ricette che arriveranno dopo il 28, invece, parteciperanno fuori concorso. Il 1 Aprile (serissime) pubblicheremo premi e proclameremo il vincitore e il 5 via di nuova ricetta etc etc, lungo la spirale infinita di questa sfida

d. come sempre, la nostra giurata incorruttibile inflessibile, implacabbbile questo mese è Tery, whom we thank in advance for the deck so the effort: I am afraid that it was the winner who has been given less time for all to celebrate, but he has such enthusiasm and such a determination which provides for a more emmetichallenge great, this month.

e. The banner for this month, is this here

So, as always, let the link below to your recipes, as soon as published (not before 13, I recommend ) and for any other questions, we are always here
good challenge
Ale & Dani Giorgia