Friday, March 4, 2011

Possible Names For Beauty Business

Mystery March 1, 2011, comment

Like every Tuesday, but last night there was a transmission to Italy Mystery.

The first service was dedicated to angels and Daniel Bossa interviewed Terry Johnson, the man who sees them and communicate with them.

The first part was devoted to a plane crash that could end in tragedy, where Gorizia 4 people are alive for miracle through their guardian angels, as is clear from some photos of the remains of the aircraft by Frank White, a survivors of the plane crash occurred at 19.25 of November 10, 2008 . A
American expert said Johnson, everyone have an angel ...

the topic after he saw a well-known actors Medium and Ghost Hunter British have performed experiments in a house haunted by a ghost .
I really enjoyed this service even though we just believe in ghosts, through the presence of EVP responded to questions from the psychic with great satisfaction of those present.
One of the band members said something that struck me, "We are not Ghostbusters, we intend to prove only that there is life after death."

Next broadcast concerns a seance to communicate with Harry Houdini , one of the most famous magicians in history made famous by his impossible escapes, organized by Marco Berry.Prima explains the history of the famous magician with a few pieces on the old program hosted by Mark Berry entitled Danger where they were executed some magic numbers very brave and much beloved by Houdini.

Once in contact with the spirit of Houdini, the envoy of Mystery did not guess the riddle of the deceased and then the "impossible dialogue" ends there. Then

little explanation of the gruesome mystery American entitled children del treno .
Negli anni '30 - '40 del novecento, a sud di San Antonio in Texas un gruppo di bambini viaggia su un autobus che avanza verso un passaggio a livello e una volta trovatosi sui binari un treno ad alta velocità travolge il mezzo provocando la morte di tutti i piccoli passeggeri.
La leggenda vuole che i loro fantasmi permangano nel posto e spingano le automobili attraverso i binari anche se il percorso è in salita ; nel filmato viene mostrato che spargendo un pò di talco in prossimità della targa del retro dell'auto, si renderebbero evidenti degli strani segni riconducibili a "manine" di fanciulli che spingerebbero la vettura per evitare che si verificasse una tragedia simile alla loro.
Si racconta also seeing that some motorists on the roadside of the children, they have taken up only to find he had given a lift to their souls.
I wonder why this little story if you talk on TV, I only remember years ago seeing a documentary on this enigma but I hope in future to do a more exhaustive. In the studio Raz Degan

calls Alessandro Cecchi Paone to hear the testimony of two alleged and Anya Marina:

also I wonder what proof they have the two girls apart from their credibility.
The speech is always ... possible that there is never anyone who harbors a souvenir extraterrestrial?
Some time ago I remember that one scientist said "I'll believe it when I bring an invention to the abduction of the future, such as the quartz watch if we were in the 50s", about this recall by Giancarlo Magalli years ago a lady who took as proof of his kidnapping a strange mineral like a desert rose , who knows what happened to ...

At 23 there was about the service Envoy Melissa P Cefalu where, early last century, lived for a period of Aleister Crowley, father of occultism .

E 'delayed broadcast of the interview Raz Degan who spoke to David Icke Illuminati and further alien sighting by the master Juarez .

During episode three videos of UFOs unmasked by Pablo Ayo, while there was the book of Daniel Gullo.


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