Thursday, March 10, 2011

Melina Welba On A Bus Clip

Drum roll ... the Starbooks!

Or better: the giant work in progress of this project which is involving as it did not happen for some time. What it is, we've already talked here and there is no need to dwell on. Better to say a few words about what we do, from now on, in absolutely every variable, given the period, but with a tenacity and enthusiasm, I repeat, we lacked a bit '.
For now, we have started an inventory of only a part of our library and for the books and we are linking the different recipes published on our blog to the various sources from which we have taken, in addition to early contributions came from other foodbloggers: just click on the title that interests you and see what and how many prescriptions have been written and tested.
Let me be clear: we are just starting, so do not expect much.
But even if we had extended the time , we probably would not bother: instead, we prefer to work in the sunshine, day after day, maybe even with daily updates. A little 'not to lose the rhythm, a bit' to help you understand how it works, a po'-finally-to get your feedback along the way / and maybe even pat some comfort, because the road is long and the "but those who have made do "is always lurking.
Anyway, in summary: for now, I'm only online books (not all) and of these only a fraction of the recipes already posted here. Simply click above and from there click on the various links.
And now, back to catalog recipes ...
good evening

ps ale to food bloggers who have kindly sent us something, we are storing, day after day and soon it will all be online. Our thanks, however, are already here,

Addressing An Invite Asking Guests To Pay

Mystery of 8 March 2011 comment

Like every Tuesday and a new episode full of mystery , the first argument was that relating to dragons Lake Santacroce with Mark Berry, this hypothesis would explain the mysterious explosions alerted the Fadalto in Belluno.

Dragons Lake Santacroce

the bottom of a piece of video taken from Mystery, March 8, 2011:

obvious that all is not credible, but the thesis supported in the service is based on the ring of a vertebra found in the '600 huge preserved in the Basilica homonymous island of San Giulio in the middle of Lago d'Orta (in Piedmont).

This mystery, however, does reflect on the legends relating to dragons : Where can derive the origin of this mysterious creature as far too many people talk about these mysterious beings?

also did not believe a word of what Mark Berry said, I really liked his movie.

Category Pablo Ayo

UFO expert journalist shows some videos sent via email to the transmission Mystery false.

Address Book Adriano Forgione

issues taken into consideration: possibile presenza di dinosauri nel XII secolo , in particolare la presunta presenza di Nessie nel Lago di Loch Ness e l'analisi dell'Ufo del quadro, realizzato da Jacopo del Sellaio nel 1450, Madonna con bambino e San Giovannino che Sgarbi nella puntata di Mistero del 25 gennaio 2011, sull'argomento relativo ai quadri del Rinascimento, aveva etichettato come macchia .
Una curiosità sui dinosauri raffigurati in civiltà antiche, particolare interesse suscita un bassorilievo cambogiano ritraente uno stegosauro .
La somiglianza è incredibile, quindi si suppone che non sia opera di fantasia ma l'autore del bassorilievo must necessarily be referring to something he had seen to make drawings of animals .

in Venice in search of ghosts on the island of New Lazzaretto

Daniel Bossari with the team of Ghost Hunter looking for admissions in Venice.
We talk about the plague that struck the Serene in 1630 and the terrible "deportation" of patients in the Island of New Lazzaretto, here is said to have remained the ghosts of those affected by this hellish illness and his team of Mystery investigated.

Sean Manchester, vampire hunter

interview the Reverend Sean Manchester who claims to have killed a in London's High Gate cemetery where the late 60's you speak 'of mysterious attacks occurred and the conviction that he was leading an entity' supernatural ate blood unleashed 'in the British capital to vampire hunting.

Remote Viewing - The power of the human mind

Lavinia Pallotta, Director of X-Times, says this interesting secret American project designed and developed during the Cold War, between 1970 and the years 80 on impulse and with funding from the CIA and other U.S. government agencies, such esperimenti trattano il vedere a distanza con la nostra mente.

Rubrica di Daniele Gullà 

Il perito biometrico analizza diverse foto e filmati contenenti presunte entità.
In un filmato di qualche puntata fa appariva il fantasma di una bambina, l'analisi dimostra che tale effetto è stato realizzato con un ologramma.

In studio Marco Pizzuti , ricercatore del Museo dell'energia, racconta degli esperimenti di Nicola Tesla , dandone dimostrazione pratica facendo accendere una lampada alla distanza di 3 metri da un generatore di 280 W .

Altri argomenti sono stati: Poltergeist, Williams' house over a graveyard and

expedition in Nepal in search of nirvana .

Again the book Pablo Ayo, this time on analysis of videos about aliens appeared on the Internet, some details show that they have been implemented in 3D on the computer. The second film showed
rings of smoke into the sky that appear in different parts of the world.

Secrets of Otzi, the oldest mummy in the world

a service already aired in episode of Mystery of the December 4, 2009 the left Daniel Bossari .
How to curse of the mummy of Tutankhamun , even for the man of Similaun it comes to this "spell" death because are 7 people that have had to deal with it .

At midnight on the last service, already aired during an episode of Mystery 11 May 2010, the rites and extreme changes to our body .

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Keshyog Hair Oil Contact Us

Too many blogs, and yet another Buonconsiglio that will be ...

... bless.
.... Maybe ...
.... I wonder ....
Let me be clear: I am glad that there are so many blogs de cuisine. Happy. It 'a kind of sogno che non avrei mai osato fare, qualche anno fa- quello di avere così tante ricette a disposizione, in tutte le lingue, in tutte le solfe. Ed è un segno di una libertà di espressione vera, che non solo non conosce censure, ma neppure prevede l'adeguamento a parametri imposti da altri: non c'è un editore che screma, non c'è uno sponsor che vaglia, meno che mai c'è una (sempre odiosa) commissione di esperti che decide chi sì e chi no. Qui, ognuno ha la possibilità di realizzare un proprio desiderio, in modi e tempi che gli sono propri-e il resto, mancia: alla gratuità di un accesso e di un "kit da bravo food blogger" che valgono per tutti corrispondono la specificità di un sapere e la peculiarità a statement that the author and are only being made available to anyone kind enough to pass us by.
Which, for someone like me, whose dream is to make the plunge into the pool of Scrooge Scrooge-full of books, full of air tickets, full of papers written on with many recipes, it tastes like euphoria: the proof is my archive of recipes downloaded from the network, which is the most frantic and frenzied ever produced the neuron lonely give me a blog roll and you will close the world.
Epper .... Epper, there is the other side of the coin: namely, the risks of too much information. The most obvious of which is the loss of important news indeed, because of constant bombardment of news in the long run, dampen your interest. I had heard pe RLA first time at the time of maturity, when every opportunity is good for the whole theme of my "fell" in 1984, Orwell was one of the authors risk drawing. Culutra pages of the newspapers teemed with editorials on the subject, all designed to detect similarities and differences between 1984 described in the novel and the real and many were concerned of information: they did it all with the relief of those who escaped a danger or those who "had said" and the tendency was to compare the increasingly rapid growth of advertising and television to falsehood Big Brother branded news, and all ended the same way: we do not.
Only one had said "we, so-soon": a chance Ernesto Galli della Loggia, L'Espresso and Panorama, in a article that I was literally nailed to the bus stop: he claimed that the road not information we had embarked on a long time, even if another access, more subtle and insidious. The papers were chock-full of news, the news was more and more, current was also responsible Mickey and the result was that most of this material slid off the brain like fresh water.
The same thing happens-that-mutatis mutandis to all These blogs de cuisine: the careful reading of the blog pioneers were followed by a rushed blog rolls to your favorite blogs, with the result that, in the midst of so many good things, the best end up being left out or neglected, more so if you These courses are traditionally less attractive such as main dishes.
It is a pity because, in addition to the above general considerations, in my opinion are the most valuable "tip" of a kitchen every day and suggestions on technique, which is not the recipe for the last layer cake or cupcake of yet animated, but so much so, the world goes well and the virtual one is no exception.
Quindi, pur sapendo che 
1. questo post no se lo filerà nessuno
2. nessuno sbaverà su queste foto
3. nessuno metterà in pratica questo consiglio
il risultato del nostro ultimo esperimento è stato così esaltante che chissenefrega dei punti 1.2.3: io ve lo racconto lo stesso...


Non so se è capitato anche a voi, ma in questi ultimi anni, dopo un'indigestione di ingredienti esotici e di cucina fusion, we are moving increasingly toward the essential. We tend to subtract, rather than to increase food preferring "pure" rather than the elaborate preparations that, lately, we have the flavor dell'intruglio. This has meant an increasing focus on the things that first interested us and that is a less-manic verification of the quality of the raw material on one side and a renewed interest in cooking techniques. The speech is a little 'to everything - meat, eggs, vegetables, and becomes a kind of categorical imperative on the fish, even at the time of the empty kitchen fridge is the exception: it will be that I grew up hooked on fish caught and eaten just out of the water, but I have never tolerated Paciugo stuff on this front. Caught, gutted and eaten, so to speak.
At the same time, a wrong cooking kills the best fish in the world and so, for years we experience various techniques. In the beginning was the oil, then baked, then the salt-and then the great season salty meringue, which lasts to this day and what I have earned the gratitude of relatives, friends and fishmonger angle. Recently, however, my husband had the gimmick of trying to cook two bream after being covered with slices of pink grapefruit, leaving them in the oven at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes. The result was amazing: the flesh of the fish remained moist and tender in plus the bittersweet aftertaste of grapefruit, which is as it were "infiltrated" into the meat during cooking, giving a remarkable consistency to the dish. In itself, a diminished, but with a result to be afraid ...

sea bream (PIU 'OR LESS) LIGURE

Tradition says "potatoes, pine nuts and olives Taggia" - but some change is accepted as the one you see in the picture: sea bream, cherry tomatoes cut in half, black olives, a handful of pine nuts, a bit 'of parsley, salt, a tour extra virgin olive oil and baking at 180 degrees for about twenty minutes for a "no recipe" that has the flavor of celebration.

If successful, this afternoon the Starbooks
nice day