Friday, February 18, 2011

What Happened Annabel Chong

Festival di Sanremo 2011, February 17, commentary on the third evening

The most solemn and long-awaited night of the Sanremo Festival was just one of the Thursday February 17, 2011, because it was all dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy and singers in the competition will perform patriotic songs old and modern.

The episode "Special" started before 21 pm, but on Channel 5 in Striscia la Notizia, Staffelli handed golden tapir Gianni Morandi due to shortfall of plays (physiological) between the first and late evening.

As mentioned several times, I would like to point out that Tuesday on TV except on Mystery Italia1 there was nothing, but on Wednesday was sent to the Champions League on Raidue Rome - Shakthi Donetsk, on Channel 5, " Superpaperissima "and Raitre" Chi l'ha visto? "who always cherished their audience.


Albano with Va 'pensiero ,

with Iannis Putarchos and Dimitra Theodossios, was awarded the prize of the race of the historical "Born to Add" dedicated to the 150 Unit 'of Italy ; the evening of grace for the singer born in Cellino San Marco culminated by winning the TV voting among the first of four deleted two nights and was then rescued with his song "Amanda is free."

Giusy Ferreri

I loved it Giusy Ferreri with the song "Heaven in a room" of Mina, the arrangement more reminiscent of Giuseppe version of the 1999 Giorgia but she was great to sing to the point that I thought during the performance that the singer could Palermo really focus on the future of jazz engraving, I mean the kind of Dear Emerald with his songs "back it up" and "A nigh like this" , his voice seems perfect in combination with a soft pace that makes the most of his vocal timbre.

fashion and Emma Brown

know how much I love to Modà and Emma Brown, but after the extraordinary performance of the pair Checco-Emma during the first two episodes will come with , yesterday evening I am not liked by "Here 's to you" song dedicated to the sad story of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, immigrants in the U.S. that even if innocent people were executed because they were the only fault of being Italian.
Morricone's passage in English is very beautiful and sad, but I was not in the style of two young wild and full of energy as the mythical Modà and Emma Brown .

Max Pezzali and Arisa

to about 22, he finally sang Max Pezzali , among my favorite of the Festival of Sanremo with his song "My second time , with the song" Mamma give me my hundred pounds " paired with Arisa .
I just wanted to hear Max sing! In the duet instead
Arisa Pezzali cover the item that could not emerge, almost hidden!
The pitch of the song was perfect, this very sad song that tells of the migration of many Italians to America , when the ticket for a journey in search of fortune it cost only a hundred pounds in the beautiful voice and version of Max Pezzali has become almost a "song" catchy, funny and cheerful. You know the sad
text of the Enola Gay OMD ? Not dwelling on the meaning of words, the tune seems almost addictive way to tell a great party where everyone enjoyed themselves and instead describes one of the ugliest in human history: the message is a plea to go back and think again before you do that nonsense.

At 22:30 all the singers have performed, once the music was over I had no intention to follow him more and instead I was right to stay because Roberto Benigni was great!

There are so many things to say about Roberto Benigni's amazing performance during the third night of the Sanremo Festival 2011 that I decided to do a separate post . Small

intervention of Luke and Paul have played "The indifferent" Gramsci , I thanked them very much yesterday evening.

ten to twelve, she performed the first singer in the race for the "new proposals" the minor Micaela with fire and ash .
The young artist had to perform before midnight, according to the law (the usual bureaucratic stories carelessly that there are only in Italy, and so we are swamped by jokes and derision from all over the world, but that regulation is? The spell would be broken as with Cinderella?) and it was, I really liked the song, she has won and will enter the final.
After Micaela was the turn of Roberto Amadio with the song Like rain , the boy reminded me vaguely Valerio Scanu, winner of Sanremo 2010 and had access to the finals of the young (I did not understand the slate of music teacher what it meant to Einstein's formula E = mc2 E = transformed pc2).
The other two contenders for the section, new proposal: Twins B with steal my love and Marco Menichini with between tiles and sky .

at midnight and a half turn of the last four eliminated: Albano and Patty Pravo not admitted to the final after the second evening of February 16, 2011 and Anna Oxa Anna Tatangelo and not after the first evening of February 15, 2011 .

from the audience asking the photographers put into laying the four singers, who has escaped the phrase "favorite two years" instead of "the two favorite Anne"?

Anna Oxa was the last to sing to one a quarter, I loved it!

Rejoicing in my opinion, much of decomposed Anna Tatangelo when he learned that she had been fished out, agree that he wanted to continue the race but then do not submit a song with this title!

I would note that Elisabetta Canalis è stata molto presente e ha parlato moltissimo, Belen Rodriguez è stata una statuina che ad un certo punto non sapeva come fare per dire che gli abiti erano firmati da noti stilisti italiani.
L'argentina ha poi ballato per omaggiare Fellini, ma mi sfugge il suo talento (a parte che è bellissima, ma oltre ciò?).

Gianni Morandi conclude la serata canticchiando l'Inno di Mameli.


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