Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Referral Wordings Slogan

Postcard from Istanbul Cymbals

blue hour, the most romantic day of a glimpse of Istanbul a bit 'more "home" for us Genoese ... It 's the Galata district, located in the north of the Golden Horn, the inlet that separates it from the historical city center. The Genoese rebuilt the great tower on the Golden Horn in 1348, after the destruction of a previous tower and called the Tower of Christ .... Since then he has withstood earthquakes, fire and destruction that have occurred over centuries and has come down to us, overlooking a maze of alleys so similar to our "creuza" to create almost a sense of familiarity ...
The Galata Tower is still a plate when we remember how the Ottoman conquest of the city ended only with the delivery by the " Geneviz (Genoa) the keys of the fort at Fatih Sultan Mehmed ..


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