Saturday, February 26, 2011

How To Checkout Licences Hasp

Ufo Brusciano (Na), scoop Striscia la Notizia, February 25, 2011

Spesso Striscia la notizia smaschera presunti Ufo spiegando l'origine degli avvistamenti con rather than a rational explanation that seems ridiculous.

Yesterday evening, February 25, 2011, they aired the service Capitan Ventosa interview with Angela and Peter to witnesses who saw in the sky Brusciano (near Naples) on the evening of 8 May 2010 a unidentified flying object described and aired during the service aliens control the sky of Naples? "Mystery of the transmission of 8 February 2011 :

present during the" scoop "Capitan Ventosa also the president of CUBMGC ( UFO Center of Benevento ) dr. Angelo Carannante .

A quanto pare il mistero è stato risolto dimostrando che l'oggetto volante avvistato non era altro che un prototipo di aeromodellino che emetteva diverse luci colorate proprio come si vede nel video; semplicemente a Napoli e dintorni hanno svolazzato dei piccoli velivoli che hanno mandato nel panico la zona.
Il filmato è durato 5 minuti ma mi ha lasciato diversi dubbi: possibile che questi piccoli quadricotteri possano volare così in alto e dare l'impressione alla gente di essere dei giganteschi aeromobili alieni?
D'accordo che io ho sempre scritto che per me gli Ufo non sono altro che dei velivoli militari sviluppati secondo gli studi di John Searl e quindi terrestri; ma ridurre which follow the sightings around the world to simply "tech toys" seems a joke.

also left me perplexed interview the president of the Center for UFO Benevento that it seemed "docile" and "silent" when they really should have been more "chatty" about these strange phenomena.

The answer to my questions I found just this morning reading some links around the web, just the person who wrote the first "MAYBE NOT HAVE FOUND THAT IT WAS the lamb ravening and SPIAZZI HAVE FAILED?" and this morning that "some statements were cut during the interview so upset the facts.
However those who have eyes to see will understand that that was broadcast on Channel 5 was a real farce. In other words, it was perpetrated a real red herring. Al dr. Carannante and the witnesses were not allowed to be heard and that is to respond to the absurd thesis that these gentlemen have shown their models. It 'a very serious. As if to say that every UFO sighting is a plane or a helicopter. "
comments to post to the UFO Center Benevento confirm my doubts.

In conclusione: sempre d'accordo sui servizi di Striscia la Notizia ma non mi piace quando screditano le persone in questa maniera senza diritto di replica e contraddittorio soprattutto in questo modo.


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