Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Much Gunpowder Is In A Party Popper

... because Sanremo Sanremo! report cards (part two) ... because

Nathalie : The look is a tourist Lost in the jungle, with un'extension and a coat of color "do not mind spending a" justified only by the need to compensate for the performance of the whole issue faded on stage . Too bad, because it is an interpreter of rare intensity, as demonstrated by singing a creepy Baptists. But when it's up to you, the brain is flat-style "Corpse Bride". Luckily, he had the XFactor ....
Rating: 4

Tricarico's up to Sanremo as Halley's Comet, universe-in the sense that only this time it appears and then disappears somewhere. Where it comes from, why is there, what exactly do not know-but the critical hosannas and that's what counts. On the "taratattatà" shots, in chorus, I held my breath, but nothing, it was just a sham.
Rating: 4

Pezzali: I was Uncle Fester, the image would cause damage. The rest is the usual old story, the music is always the same words as always, only rimiscelate whenever possible by the company-almost total absence of syntactic links and conjunctiva. She sings her second time, mimicking a teenager who is no more-and immediately reveals the nightmare of the additional and harsh: you buy the hard stuff as well this time, Max, but you're 'at home ..
voto: 6

Modà-Emma . Loro si credono i Negramaro, lei si crede e basta. Cantano un mix fra Riderà di Little Tony e Vieni da Me delle Vibrazioni, una roba nuova che uno pensa che se questi sono i giovani e i talent e le radio italiane, abbiamo un'altra ragione di più per emigrare. Sono i vincitori annunciati, tanto che in sala stampa circola la battuta "Arriverà/Prima" e loro si comportano di consenguenza. Anzi, lette le dichiarazioni di Emma, nell'immediata post premiazione, in cui sostiene con la modestia propria di ogni artista ad inizio carriera, di voler dedicare la vittoria a se stessa, sorge il sospetto che qualcuno glielo debba pur dire, che sono stati superati da un signore di una certa età, ancora convinto che il pubblico meriti rispetto, anzichè mini abiti trasparenti su gambe perennemente aperte...
Voto: 6

Patty Pravo : sublime, sublime, assolutamente sublime. Interrompe la prova generale perchè va a sbattere dritta dentro un orpello di vetro della coreografia, dopodichè affronta la prima serata con un look a metà fra la Levi Montalcini e la Barbara Alberti, portando a termine con coraggio il suo brano, fino all'ultimo rantolo, senza neppure perdere la dentiera. Fuori, la aspettano l'unità di rianimazione e il truccatore di Tutankamon, a cui si deve il miracolo di restituircela ogni anno, sempre più sballata, intensa e meravigliosa come solo lei può be.
Rating: 7 on the song, 10 and her life

David van de Sfroos - Raise your hand if, in the tide rises and falls, has not been tempted to continue our mothers verisone of a cadastral hymns of our childhood. Half Italy occurs saying that there has got it all wrong, the other half replied that it was time-and he sings in the middle with irony and professionalism, not out of tune, without going out of time and wisely keeping out of controversy, with the choice of W Italy as a song for the evening of the centenary. If he had even managed to convince Fornaciari not to wear, this year, transmitted the jacket of his father, would take one more vote.
rating: 7

Anna Oxa : o demone che ti sei impossessato di Anna Oxa, chiunque tu sia, restituiscicela. Ci manca. Ci manca la sua voce prestata ad una melodia, a testi che si comprendono, a partiture che non sfuggono alle più banali leggi dell'armonia e del suono. E' bella come il sole, anche conciata da Avatar con il vestito di XFactor, ha classe da vendere e capacità interpretative e vocali che le gggiovani d'oggi si sognano. Cantasse la lista della spesa, saremmo ai suoi piedi. Cosa dobbiamo fare, per riaverla tra noi?
Voto: non pervenuta. non su questo pianeta, almeno...

Morandi: chiude il festival in trionfo e, a bocce ferme, ci chiediamo perchè. Non tanto per la qualità delle canzoni, solo leggermente meglio dell'anno scorso, ma per la pessima qualità della conduzione: impacciato, fuori posto, perennemente a disagio, tranne che nei panni del cantante. D'altronde, lui lo dice da subito, che non è un presentatore e lo fa con il solito modo, tenero e goffo, tanto che è impossibile prendersela con lui. Da lì in poi, è una conduzione senza filtro, che va dall'entusiasmo del bambino in un negozio di giocattoli (davanti alle mise delle veline), alle solenni incavolature per chi non rispetta le regole del gioco (Robbie Williams, in ritardo alle prove o il tipo del televoto)- financo a rischiare di perdere i freni inibitori davanti alla scollatura della Bellucci. Roba da "fenomenologia di Gianni Morandi", is clear: but, on closer inspection, this is the Italy Morandi love for decades, one in a thousand who has done it, and only with the commitment, work and respect for what he does . And you tell me if you like little ...
Rating: 7

Canalis: the emotion that pulls tricks on me, this I know for a while '. But that also targets the silicone implants, the breasts that they end up in the sulky, is a phenomenon to be studied. The remainder of the week Sanremo has clearly indicated that he does not know present, can not sing, can not dance and can not be on stage. Luckily, she knows the language. What, did not understand, because what they showed off on stage is anything but English, as also knew that Mamma Rai has hired the usual plethora of professional interpreters because, with all the valleys-soubret-market movement, one who can say that the cat is on the table do not find it. In any case, after Luke and Paul, it is to her that we owe our highest moments of comedy on stage, see the interview with De Niro (Morandi: "I liked Taxi Driver, as they say?" Canalis, well prepared "Taxi Driver") or Eliza Doolittle, the only case in history where the artist had to be translated corrects the translator (Canalis in Italian: "Gianni, jeans, you know, with the j" - Doolittle in English "not really, you Genes and Jeans writes have nothing to do "). Which makes it even more urgent the question, but c'azzecca with George?
rating: zero

Belen Rodriguez at the time of engagement Borriello in rossoblu, was the only point where the two Genoese fans: the cry of "Crikey, Belen" had joined the Genoa football club, with a miracle could never even see the duo Mameli-Novaro, whatever they may say Benigni. How Corona's girlfriend, we like the least, a bit 'plaster and less spontaneous, but comes from winning this Sanremo, and showed that all the necessary requirements to become a showgirl, maybe in a few years and serious study, as that the certificate issuing deserted island in Honduras expire after a while. 'Again, the question is urgent, even when turned upside down, but that c'azzecca with Corona?
rating: seven

Luca & Paul, the moral winner, already in the odor of sanctity. The chronicles of the day after hail them for their courage, their irony, the strength of their irreverent jokes and for the class of their performances that come back to punish laughing, over the parties and the parties. Wrong speaker of satire, because theirs is a casual humor that only someone who does not know the Genoese can define british. Great in the p Arodi songs, immense in the sketch of the tavern, illuminated by an intelligent choice of humility in Gramsci, to follow the monologue of Robert Benigni.Morandi welcomes the end of their first big gig with a smile that is actually a paresis, which relaxes only when he realizes that the trill in the background is the jury who voted, and not the live call of Masi that dissociates. If we manage to avoid Bersani & Vendola to attach themselves to you sputtanerò as new anthem for the new left, the beatification have already in his pocket. On the other hand, are genoani: what else? Hello Ale


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