Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Familiar Of Zero Season 4 Manga


since it is a period, to distract myself, I have to force myself to think of stupid things, lately I am investigating some of my dark side how to cook. I state that, as a rule, I could care less, as I think that by now you know. I always say-and-true that the kitchen is the place to discharge stress, tension, performance anxiety, and God forbid that I did of the problems here. But it is also true that every time I start to compare me to my "colleagues" fans, with or without a blog, some time to find similarities, but more often to realize the differences. The one that I pondered these days, just when I thought about what to prepare for the last week of gifts is that I do not like to experiment. Or rather, so when I find a recipe that satisfies me, I stop to that and other preparations vent my instincts laboratory. It 'happened, for example, with the pastry: always follow the recipe of my grandmother who, in addition to not call Santin nor nor nor Montersino Herm, also enjoyed the reputation of the worst cook in the family. The mother-in-law a lot had happened in Livorno in the kitchen that was magic and a daughter who was evidently passed the DNA father's side: so that, had the best of a bad luck and decided to fold. Those, however, those were times when gender identity was through the kitchen and some knowledge-classifying the woman: so that, something was heard-and heard-it was fine, gnocchi al pesto tarts and everything.
I learned to cook from my mother and, later, books, internet and cooking classes, many of which were confectionery. And there I started to realize not only that there are a thousand recipes, but there were people willing to sacrifice time and creativity to find the right formula-and that the pastry was just a land where the debate was more heated . E so, I participated. And after eating tons of flour and butter and I decided that hundreds of eggs in the kitchen as in life, perfection is not mine and there are cases where content is good.
All 'is to tell you the Pappardella secret of these tacos is the sweet biscuit dough: the best ever experienced in my first 45 years, is that you find here and from which they intend to break away, till death do us part. If in doubt, ask what happened to Dani cuttings that we should have kept aside for the creatures. For the rest, have a great bullshit that will allow you to present in a different strawberries and cream, perhaps even in un buffet, visto che si possono mangiare benissimo con le mani. Al solito, l'unico problema è smettere- ma ormai lo sappiamo...


tacos dolci

per 10 tacos, del diametro di 5 cm
per la pasta biscotto, seguite le dosi e le istruzioni che trovate qui
per lo sciroppo di zucchero 
100 g di zucchero
100 g di acqua
poche gocce di limone

in un casseruolino, sul fornello più piccolo ma a fiamma media, fate bollire l'acqua con il limone e lo zucchero fino a quando lo sciroppo diventa denso e assume colore traslucido. Io vado sempre ad occhio, ma siccome bisogna spalmarlo sulla pasta biscotto, che è porosa ed assorbe subito, non fatelo troppo denso, perchè altrimenti non riuscite nell'impresa. Se preferite usare una versione alcoolica, scaldate leggermente una parte di cointreau con due parti d'acqua. 

Appena sfornate la pasta biscuit, capovolgetela sul piano di lavoro coperto da un canovaccio e togliete la carta da forno. Finchè è ancora calda, trasferitela su un foglio di carta da forno pulito e lasciatela raffreddare per pochi minuti: vedrete che si sgonfierà leggermente, fino ad assumere thickness which in the picture.
cutters with a round, 5 cm in diameter, cut as many disks and put them on a rolling pin, like this:

Then spenellateli with sugar syrup and fill with whipped cream, strawberries and mint leaves.
can accompany them with a strawberry coulis (Bastro blend of strawberries and a few drops of lemon) or sprinkle with powdered sugar .
Tomorrow, by Tasting Travel


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