Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Physical Therapy Aide Sample Resume

abba cup - Football Against Racism! Continue

that race and anger saying loud and clear: why do not happen più.Eppure ever since then it happened again, not once but many times and for this we are convinced that Abba should not be forgotten and his memory will serve to build the future of this city, starting the energies of men and women who do not want rassegnare.Emil, 13 years was killed by yet eviction of a Roma camp by the City of Milan, forced into a cabin with no connection to gas, water and electricity and burned due to of a gas leak. Rachel, a child of a few months he was denied medical care because the health card had expired and his father died in a hospital Lombardo, was the daughter of this city, but black. Many drowned in the Mediterranean in an attempt to reach the Fortress Europe without being rejected and deported. It 'happened every day, every time the story of the black man (Chinese, Polish or Roma) which takes away the house and was told to work hide, in these times of economic crisis, the responsibilities of those who have filled their pockets with the speculazione.La League and a government of "center right" increasingly authoritarian and xenophobic talk about migrants as percolating "security" to distract from the fact that social security was removed from the blackmail of insecurity, by cancellation of the right to health and education and exploitation. Who cries "rimandiamoli at home" certainly did not care about the territory have also privatized the water, sit on the couch for years with governmental, involved in the partitions of the cake with cliques and mafias. Who cries "no invasion" plays on identity in a speech to the old town fascists everywhere and every time, that warns an alien and barbarian, suspected perpetrators of poverty and precariousness. But who are the real barbarians? Certainly not those who migrate in search of a decent life, freedom and rights, but those who foment and legitimize aggression, hatred and intolerance by proposing special laws, curfews and laws securitarian. In this climate, the city of Milan was reconfirmed at the forefront of experimenting with racist policies: the militarization of Via Padova and implementation of special laws, raids on public transport in search of undocumented migrants, the "deportation bus" , evictions of Roma. Moratti, De Corato, and co ..., always ready to say that the Racism does not exist (like the mafia) are actually the real culprits of the climate of intolerance and discriminazione.Ma Milan is also another, and has proven not only September 20 2008: There is a city that has a thousand faces, talk about rights generalized is made of many colors, languages, cultures, flavors and music took to the streets on March 1 by filling the Piazza Duomo with multi-language lessons, music by African rhythms and Latin America, is mobilization against evictions districts through district committees of population, in defense of a free school and antriazzista in the mobilization of students, parents and teachers, is a sympathetic city full of Italian self-managed schools for migrants e degli sportelli legali e ambulatori medici gratuiti (la vera eccellenza della Sanità Lombarda). A questa MIlano ci rivolgiamo per percorrere assieme a noi un altro pezzo di questa strada su cui abbiamo cominciato a camminare mossi dall'indignazione e abbiamo continuato volendo vivere in una metropoli fatta di lotte meticcie e solidali e non incancrenita in guerre tra poveri e odi etnici.A due anni dall'omicidio di Abba vogliamo costruire un grande evento antirazzista che sia reale espressione della "nostra Milano", che ricordi Abba, ma anche Emil, Rachel ma soprattutto ripudi il razzismo, affinchè sia la patecipazione il primo antidoto alla barbarie, un'occasione affinchè in migliaia possiamo essere protagonisti di una iniziativa di cultura antirazzista, sport cooperativo e solidale, di musica, quella di tutto il mondo e quella hiphop, colonna sonora meticcia e ribelle delle giovani generazioni di questa città e del mondo. Questo e molto altro è quello che il 24 settembre, in occasione del Clandestino Day, e il 25 settembre vorremmo costruire nelle strade della nostra metropoli. Invitiamo tutti a raccogliere l'appello e costruire con noi la memoria di Abba perchè se Milano non ha memoria, è razzista e non lotta: allora non ha futuro. Se Milano è capace di essere invece zona libera da intolleranza camice verdi e nere, rigurgiti fascisti e se si batte contro i lager del nuovo millennio, l'apartheid strisciante e la cancellazione di ogni diritto ha un altro futuro possibile made of many other possible worlds.


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