Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Confidentiality Clauses Samples

by the call for mobilization against racism in Milan on 24 and 25 September 2010

Italian - English


We invite everyone to come to the event on April 25!
liberation from fascism and racism!
We invite everyone to come to the event April 25th! Rid by racists
i! April 25 is the feast of liberation from fascism and an annual mega-exhibition of thousands of people to fills the streets of Milan, to remember the evil of fascism, but mostly because it does not happen again. [...
] We invite everybody to take part in the demonstration of April 25th! Liberation from fascism and racism!

April 25th is the day of liberation from facism, in 1954, and Every years a big march Thousands of people full of the Streets of Milan, to remember the damage an Brought by fascism Most Of All Because we don ' t Want This Could happen again. [...]

invite everyone to protest with us on April 25! Liberation from fascism and racism
April 25 on the anniversary of the liberation from fascism where each year such as this Today, thousands of people held demonstrations in all parts of Milan to remember the tragedies created by the fascist regime We believe that everyone on the different races and religions and nations must يتمتعوا بنفس الحقوق [...]
Appuntamento domenica 25 aprile 2010 ore 14.00 in Palestro (mm1 Rossa)

A chi rifiuta di arrendersi alla barbarie di neoliberismo, populismo e razzismo. A chi nelle piazze, scuole, università, nei quartieri non accetta questo presente e vuole un futuro. A chi alle loro regole liberticide e truccate oppone istanze dal basso [...] clicca qui! Vai alla feature completa di approfondimenti sul sito del Cantiere a proposito del corteo a Milano il 25 Aprile.


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