Friday, September 3, 2010

Chocolates From Dubai

attacked because black enough "xenophobic violence! We want a mestizo city and anti-racist!

Two years since Abba build a great event that it is real anti-racist expression hybrid of Milan, who remember Abba, Emil, Rachel divorce but also racism and intolerance. A cultural festival against racism, cooperative and supportive sport, music, one of the world and the hip hop soundtrack and hybrid generations of rebel underground.
Abba went to school in Venlo, The Netherlands, near Milan, was in the center, the wall San Babila to listen and dance to hip-hop through the town to meet guys from every district of the city and the world, a city that contains everything but the world does not care, even if they shame and fear "in words of the richest of its citizens "to be African. Abba was killed in locked, cowardly because of the color of his skin. Like a justification they tried to say that the rampage was a revenge for the theft of a packet of biscuits, but anyone with brains and heart immediately understood the message of that infamous murder in Milan, mongrel metropolis of Europe in 2010 Die Racism and intolleranza.Fu outrage that in the days immediately following mobilitò decine di migliaia di persone fino a sabato 20 settembre, quando attraversammo la città con una vera e propria "manif sauvage" da Porta Venezia a Duomo e poi di corsa fino a via Zuretti (luogo dell'omicidio). I compagni di scuola e chi ballava con lui, ma anche migliaia di persone che non lo avevano mai conosciute, una Milano che si è scoperta fiera di essere meticcia e ha mostrato con coraggio e dignità una strada possibile: quella di chi non si rassegna al razzismo e si batte per conquistare diritti, non per scagliarsi contro capri espiatori. [continua...]

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