Saturday, April 17, 2010

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ندعوا الجميع للتظاهر معنا يوم 25 أبريل

Che se ne vadano tutti. I neoliberisti, la loro economia rapace e l crisi che si porta dietro; il ricatto della precarietà che lascia mlioni di persone senza casa e senza reddito. I fautori delle politiche securitarie e razziste, le camicie verdi e nere che agitano il nemico pubblico (straniero) per nascondere those responsible for exploitation.
an authoritarian government, which has deleted funds for the welfare and continued the corrupt sale of public assets and look for the presidential place and autritaria. Who promotes laws providing impunity for the powerful and controlling for migrants, students, young and insecure poor. The fascists in the double-breasted and speculators mafiosi, who sit on the tall buildings of the city. Who destroyed and sold off the school and public health. We think that the crisis and return to the past is any global revolt and social conflicts! And You?
Jump to April 25 in Milan

Who refuses to surrender to the barbarism of neo-liberalism, populism and racism. Who in squares, schools, universities, neighborhoods do not accept this in mind and wants a future. Who in their rules and rigged liberticide instances opposes the bottom. To those who oppose freedom tarot on their freedom of self-determination from their bodies. Who in their rhetoric designed only in a land of speculation and opposes racism defense of the commons and the common difference. Who feels April 25, 2010 as a stage for a new path urgent need of liberation from our territories, and then, for us, first release from the league to build areas of rights. To those who reject the blackmail of insecurity. Who feels like joining the cry of freedom: que se vayan todos! Rulers their crisis with their authoritarianism and securitarian liberticide their policies. We propose to enhance and share the text that follows a strong and clear content that can cross the protest started in the city and in particular the demonstration on April 25, 2010 with different forms together in launching a joint message of freedom and dignity "que se vayan todos" and the beginning of a continuing campaign of liberation from racism and against the Northern League by sending an email to: "que se Vayan todos!" : April 25, 2010 Call for a mobilization and a campaign of liberation from racism and the Northern League We will be in place April 25, 2010 in Milan because we think urgent and requires a new path of liberation. Que if Vayan todos! " We will be in Milan to the streets to say in different ways, but use with one voice that it is time to say enough to the leaders of a neo-liberalism that is alone, and increasingly this war and instability, no prospect for a decent future. The economic crisis multiplies each day more offended dignity. The economic crisis is also a crisis of freedom and rights: the emptiness of consent is invaded by a proliferation of rules, liberticide increasingly authoritarian and increasingly private and rigged. The need to "manage" the crisis has placed a high alert in particular democratic here and now in our little Italy, where the aspiring ducetti literally trying to practice different types of memory each and every right and how to keep us "make sacrifices" on behalf of their interests. Being partisan is to act today from our local liberation of our lives and interests of our territories and the barbarity of neo-liberalism and its government. They promise prosperity and require sacrifices. They talk about federalism because of patronage, use of welfare. In times of crisis, shake the populist rhetoric and racist, they create enemies on which to download the lack of rights, migrants, the poor, those who rebel, feed resentment and resentment against all the difference as an instrument of control of a crisis have contributed to their food. They speak of freedom and impose censorship rules and freedom. Talk about self-determination to impose on our territories cement, building speculators speculation mafia-like those dell'Expo2015, water privatization and promises of nuclear power plants. Even deny the freedom of self-determination over our bodies, even that of a pill. They talk about love, xenophobia profess, practice different access rights, including health care and school. Profess to be bastions of Christianity and gladiators against immigrants and in the meantime do business with expulsions, deportations, and African dictators. At a time when not only the history but also the value of the word are continually reviewed magazines and is certainly important to remember, ma sopratutto è urgente agire. Proponiamo di portare in piazza con diverse voci ed un unica forza il "Que Se Vayan Todos" il 25 Aprile a Milano come segnale forte, non ambiguo, non strumentalizzabile in quanto non moderato. Proponiamo inoltre di essere in molti a portare avanti a partire dalla 25 Aprile, una campagna di liberazione dalla Lega Nord perchè essere antifascisti oggi, significa riconoscere la Lega come forza pericolosa, xenofoba da contrastare dal basso, a partire dai nostri quartieri e città. Proponiamo quindi di portare in piazza a partire dal 25 Aprile per lanciare ciascuno secondo le sue modalità un messaggio comune di ripudio di leghismo e razzismo. Per poi continuare in una campagna che sia pratica costante, nelle scuole così come neighborhoods of the city, waving through the construction of the territories of liberation, live reports by mestizo and anti-racist actions of active solidarity in responding to needs and crises, the common defense of the differences and common goods, to public water and against the first nuclear. No space for speculation and ghettos. Without space for neo-fascists in black shirt or green shirt. We do not accept in silence to pay for the crisis in terms of either money or in terms of freedom, the construction of borders in the territories and authoritarianism oppose the construction of spaces of grassroots democracy, the fight to the homes and Gains for all, to a quality school culture and against ignorance, defense public spaces of the city from our spaces. "Que se vayan todos!" All policy makers, the powerful 's economy, the governors of' order, and their policies increasingly unbearable. For this April 25, 2010 we will be in place in Milan (14.00 Via Corso Venezia ang. Palestro) and other cities who want to raise this appeal and squares indicating membership to this mail:


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