Monday, February 28, 2011

The Difference Between Welcoming Act And Greeting

MTChallenge: Prizes and a bit 'of news

Although we tried, we could not fool us and to respect the calendar: today, then, a day of awards from now until 21 when we hit the winner of the challenge this month, at the same time: as usual, we have only the name, plus a mile of chatter on how it went and by the Alexander motivations that led him to choose the one and only one recipe.
From this month, however, there is a new, all'emmetichallenge-or rather, a new entrance and we are sure that that will not please you. The problem, if I may say so, is that when we started playing, we never thought to get this "traffic" and least of all in so few months. The targets were the thirty recipes, beyond which we thought about what to do. Needless to say, thirty recipes we have already far exceeded the third challenge, and since then there racking their brains, trying to find a way to run a contest that requires more space, time and energy. We've all thought: transfer it to another blog, "contract" to third parties, increase the share :-) with the entry of new members but allla order any of the cases we liked: we feared that distort the thing that is more heart of all-that is, the spirit of this game, which is made of spontaneity and naturalness. However, alone it was quite impossible to continue. If not that, while we were there to merge the neuron, which has happened a number of Dani's daughter graduated, she moved to Milan and, for some reason still eludes us, while continuing to study it was found to have the leisure time and so we came up with the idea of \u200b\u200basking her to give us a hand. Would always remain business as usual, limited to two adjacent civic and Mtchallenge would have a future, or compromise.
be clear: neither would have bet two cents on the accession of fancilla: beyond that now is made to clean the bathroom of her home, her daughter is still "our" - branded, that is, by ' indulgent sense of compassion for what Dani and I call "our adventure on the web and in my house is called" the final blow to life before menopause. But anyhow, somewhere there must be a patron of the middle-aged and wherever it is, this time has worked well for Giorgia and she said yes we sotck of neurons found a fresh, up to date and good weight, too competent, as it does of artistic and everything revolves around the wonderful world of art.
So from this month, all the "behind the scenes" MTC has been his work-the transcript of the recipes of the participants to the pdf, on which we stayed shamefully behind.
Not only because we are aware of the hard work that we have left, needless to say to pay zero, we decided to reward saddled assigning them the opportunity to invent a new award, the composition of your post. Our good will has reached the point to grant it could spend its way also in future working relationships, some can say that the only oath the scope of the prize "30 mm in size Artistic" MTC will not leave anyone unmoved. Because he is young and irresponsible, well accepted that and then, in summary, here's the schedule of awards today
- from now until 17.00, Prizes: There are no all-and I apologize. But the recipes in this month have again exceeded sixty (and continue to arrive, over all) and it really would be unlikely to comment on all business. In addition, like many of you know, not really a happy moment, that I'm going through in recent months, and if the time already d'abitudine poco, in questi giorni è ancora meno, l'umore è sempre più sotto le scarpe. Però, una ventina li ho fatti e se riesco a trovare una mezz'oretta, oggi, ne aggiungo ancora un po'
- alle 17, i "30 mm di Dimensione Artistica": ovvero, la miglior foro e il miglior post: tre premi tre, tutti accomunati dal giudizio insindacabbbile dell'unica giurata (Giorgia) e dal fatto che non si vince niente. Neanche la soddisfazione di tirarle il premio, insomma...
- alle 21.00, il vincitore, qui e da Alessandro.

E ora, eccovi la (speriamo)prima tranche
opens the dance-and make everyone take a cuddly, inflando a meatball egg. And while the rest of the participants calls for the inspiration, not for the recipe, but for good reasons to back out, this one is justified, saying it is an idea of \u200b\u200bseries B, because the tangerine stuffing had done. Needless to say, has broken all records for participation, coming on the stroke of midnight, a mix between Mennea and Cinderella on the contrary-and even more superfluous to recall that he put his signature here, paying tribute to the goodness of originality without discounts the recipe. Which means that you win in the unanimous opinion of the jury, the highest award of all emmetichallenge ...


cevapcici Dust off the food of his childhood and tells us that as a child he scofanava 10 at a time-and never mind if the breath is affected, meanwhile, said she was small and there were no problems. Tell that to the mothers of his friends, who went home with singed clothes - "you have once again played with greta?? I told you to do this before lunch!. Since good blood does not lie, now touches to his creatures abuffarsi on these wonders of Mother core lightens with red cabbage instead of peppers. The husband attempts a desperate defense, refusing to testify with pictures of what is happening in his house at the time of the brunch, but she, undaunted, shoot and immortal, moreover, has been or not, Cooks & Flame??

Just to stay in theme, even Saretta has returned from the broadcasting and to "cook and fire" this time were his son meatballs. The repeats all'MTC, pace of all viewers who drooled in front of the TV and look forward to the recipe, saying it took the papal papal MTC to offer this opportunity. We moved, we wanted to replicate your balls to make questa sfida indimenticabile e aspettiamo il prossimo servizio....

image from here
Cooking with Marica and Drinking with Marco- recita l'intero nome del blog e già questo ci mette di buonumore. Quando poi leggiamo il suo profilo da "italiana vera", con un cuore che supera ogni confine, siamo già completamente conquistate da questa bella signora e da un blog dove la passione per la cucina spazia dagli aromi di casa a quelli di ogni altra parte del mondo. Insomma, un bell'incontro, che va ricordato col premio d'uso in these cases
Prize: come on, still playing with us

His is a cuisine that amazes, made of fine intellect and an imagination always tempered by the balance and respect for the combinations and flavors . A touch of class, this time, is the heart of bergamot, unmistakable signature of his homeland - the Calabria-a dish of great flavor and great skill. So much so that even if you do not know who is behind the pseudonym of Max, un'ideina we would have done ...

gives a blow to one of the few certainties left, arriving among the first-she is usually subscribed to the area Cesarini. But, he says, on her meatballs make this effect, a kind of immediate awakening, as in his home are made continuously, in addition to cappelletti. It gives the kitchen to the recycling, of which the balls are the undisputed queens showing, with his usual cheerfulness, what results can achieve the noble art of getting by, combined with the equally noble imperative of "do not throw anything away" - let alone the filling of cappelletti. I do not know how many times have we said to Mary that we are particularly fond of, but one more can not hurt
Prize: ago 'that remains a bit' of filling ....

Primo MTC per Terry e grande, grandissima ricetta, che getta un ponte fra l'Italia e la Svezia, fatto di limoni canditi, extravergini profumati e bacche di pepe rosa. La tentazione di mettersi uno zaino in spalla e percorrerlo da cima a fondo, novelli e ben più fortunati Hansel&Gretel, è forte, ma per questa volta ci tratteniamo. Fossimo quelli dell'Ikea, però, inizieremmo a pensarci, all'evoluzione della polpetta...

Con lei, l'MTC si arricchisce della prima "diversamente romantica" della blogsfera, una che se ne care about the public calendar and meatballs-and-meatballs on Valentine's Day. We could do without it, do you think? In our opinion it is not that, given that even above, as in romance, we are well placed: on the contrary, we were already despairing that it can not award the prize we most loved, in February of this challenge, those who "see it and save it" is was one, to be liked so much and now, finally, we are honored to be assigned, moved, our new friend. Hoping that can withstand the blow and come back and play with us ...

true love on this side A world they call themselves meatballs, falafel, and another opens up a world of flavors, aromas and flavors. The post of Dada, and what to save, print, stress, study, and then invite her to dinner and begging her to show you how: because his is a complete recipe, made with rare skill and with an equally rare precision in proposing a dish that, here, has been replicated as often simplified. Moreover, we could not expect anything different, the author of a blog born of passion that reveals a little but old and tested and a preoccupation with the details that are peculiar to the kitchen for those who test true love. Stuff to resurrect Cupid, in short ....

should open a section in the section is dedicated to the faithful, or addicted, whatever you call them, those entering the tunnel MTC, with no hope of getting out. Marcia is one of them and this time dependence is also double, because what happens with meatballs ikea. It seems that on the box empty and cry while the SERT have promised to study the case, Costa was quick to ensure the participation of the March for the next spot, hoping to succeed the same performance even at the supermarket checkout. Meanwhile, he runs for cover as well ..

Cristina B.
The fear of losing it, alas, we have it: first the poor rabbit, then the brain disguised as cabbage, with special effects attached, now that the Swedish meatballs in the persistence of taste are second to none ... In short, what not to do 'is poor women to overcome the reluctance of family members and participate in peace all'MTC only she knows. But Christ is a tough-and it takes more to discourage it: the creature is upset by tritatacarne, the husband has a sarcastic sense of smell? And here you bowl the sweet version, with lots of accessories and ad hoc name, a sweet sweedish that makes you melt, only to hear it.
If you see a girl at the market, which fa la spesa con questa borsa qui, non esistate e baciatela per noi. Ve ne saremmo eternamente grati

image from here
Un crescendo: dall'assuefazione (Marzia) all'abnegazione (Cristina) fino all'immolazione volontaria da MTChallenge.Con un vero e proprio coupe de theatre, ci presenta le polpette di Gambetto- e tanto basta a mandare in crisi le fans. "Resta con noi/Non ci lasciar" è il grido che si leva dalla blog sfera, e già si prefigurano scene da tregenda, con lui pronto all'harakiri, con mannaia, bandana e tutto il resto. L'unica impassibile è the infamous judge that, indeed, taking advantage of the possible waves of popularity MTC, rather than join the chorus broken, is quick to get the kit for perfect samurai

from the manual ...


Financière in final touch of the inevitable bandana ...

Mama Pot
meatballs from Sweden to start arriving in Maryland, but the first pass of the refrigerator of his home, then come all'emmetichallenge, but not before, wait to greet a Laurel , and let's not forget San Valentino, e.. Ah ... menu-light romantic-chic-for-two-grounds, the mica there we can forget, no? that while I forgot the flour, but then-toh-together are the same, 'ste meatballs, which are well past from the pantry, as well as from the fridge, then, in summary, from Sweden to Maryland, going to the fridge e. .. mica, there will be tired, no ??????
But as we do, to tire, with someone like you, we explain it ????? :-)))

And now, a bit 'scattered
awards for category: What fault is it
We won the prize ex aequo

Happy Arab In Kitchen In Butcher : this time, we hold the immaculate conscience. There are no rabbits, no cabbage, there are indeed some sort of hard to find ingredients: better than that, he could not go. Flaws with what you like, 'ste-Belin of meatballs was the subliminal message oxfordinamente that rose from the rules of the challenge of the month, but she did not: it took back from the butcher. It will be that good blood (D) does not mind when you see a bench, although Butcher, the snaps of the sacred fire of pique? It will be that easy things you do not like? Or more simply, is that news Miragliani, after the splendours of Rimini beach, the dunes would like to import the Competition Mr. Butcher ?

ps the picture is purely scientific and documentary value. And if the candidate we too, become part of the jury, we do it just to put the service to the worthwhile work experience above. Spirit of sacrifice is called ...

arrived there was already some signs at the time of the cabbage, when we read what he was able to combine this wonderful lady of the blogosphere, under the pernicious influence of this hell. Thought to be honest, it was immediately over the poor with loans taken boyfriend and pusher of Champagne create the appropriate atmosphere for the class and the Robyn all'aplomb. It would be enough for a trip to Global Markets, Department cruciferous vegetables, to see Mrs. divest himself of all inhibitions and engage in dances, calories from fear. However, we were told, everyone has their weaknesses, are evils of the season, then move on. But now, faced with meatballs, his personality is wavering, to identify with none other than Albano, urge avoid any liability, along with an appeal after Amanda, also deliver Roby, pliiiis

After seven edition of the MTC, the big news is that Madame Voglio Vincere deve coabitare sotto la stessa corona con Patricia, dopo che la stessa ha proclamato che vuol vincere anche lei, ecchecaspita. E mentre le Strenne accorrono in massa a consolare Stefania, dicendole che purtroppo ha perso anche questo titolo, ma magari vincerà l'emmetichallenge, noi abbiamo pensato di suddividere il premio, dando due corone alle nostre Miss. 
Una per (la dispensa di) Patricia
e una per Stefania
che non sarà la più tempestata di pietre preziose, ma di sure is the highest we could find on the market

Award "I told you so"
very serious, also because this time we had really said. That is, that the Blog Giulia we liked so much. It 'was the first on which we happen, by new food-blogger and the only from which we never managed to break away, even a day. We admired the style, sophistication, quality of content, the beauty of the photographs, and even if we never wrote, we always wondered why Julie did not find the scenarios that competed with his talent. And now, finally, something is rough-and we deliberately low-tones that can not be happy to share with you all MTC and our satisfaction and our "giulia but great!" which we hope to arrive anywhere in the world you are.
A after
Ale, Dani and Giorgia


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